
What do you think of THIS quote (see details)?

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Um, keep in mind that I am a registered Independent voter...

I am also very proud to be a liberal. Why is that so terrible these days? The liberals were liberators—

they fought slavery, fought for women to have the right to vote, fought against Hitler, Stalin, fought to end segregation, fought to end apartheid. Liberals put an end to child labor and they gave us the five day work week! What's to be ashamed of?

--Barbra Streisand




  1. I'm sure it sounded better coming through her nostrils and apparently this was said back when the work week was only five days. I think maybe we should be asking YOU this question. Why don't YOU tell us what YOU think of THIS quote? Y'know I've taken about all I've had from YOU!!

    And to the poor fool above me who has a BA in History, I wouldn't give him too much creedance. Why would anyone bother to get a BA in the most inaccurate and deluded of all the sciences. History, a biased and poorly recorded accounting of the past which was documented by ignorant biased observers who had little objectivity or perspective, as evidenced by the state of communication in the world at the time, and more than likely were unwilling to consider other points of view for the fact alone that to do so might potentially compromise the information they were trying so hard to establish as the truth. Think about it, those that record history have no motivation whatsoever to hold their facts up to the light of close scrutiny because it would only weaken their claims. then it was transcribed and rewritten over the years with yet more bias and one sided political slant. I mean we see how even today, the media filters and alters the info about the world that we get. Do you really think what's in our history books is a truthful accounting?  History is BS and anyone who has a BA in BS is full of BM... and probably has BO... and should be BBQ'd? I better quit while I'm behind and just say BY.

  2. To the extent that the people in control of the Democrat Party have taken control of the definition of the word "liberal", it is a word to be ashamed of.  Their goals seem to be to have government control as much of our lives as possible.  Such a view of government is a throwback to a few hundred years ago and is reactionary in the extreme.

  3. I'd say Babs didn't study her history lessons very well.  Lincoln was a Republican.  The likes of which, the liberals hated greatly.  They wanted to continue the institution of slavery, and fought its abolition at ever turn.  Even during Jefferson's time.  He too was a Republican and tried to pass legislation requiring the abolition of slavery by the year 1800.  The federalists were against it.

    The liberals LOVED both Hitler and Stalin.  pappa Joe Kennedy was a little too friendly with the n***s and as ambassador, had to be recalled.  And the 1930s thru the 1950s, who courted communism and its ideology in this country?  Sure wasn't Joe McCarthy...

    Yes, I would say ol' Babs is pretty typical of most liberals today.  Not too well informed about her politics and more than slightly confused/warped historically.

  4. Coming from anyone else but her I would stand up and cheer . I don't think she is that great of a person and she needs to keep out of politics

  5. I think I agree with her. I am not ashamed of being liberal...years ago, people thought I was rather conservative, but times have changed more than I have and so I just seem so much more liberal. In fact, I almost long for the days of the hippies when Americans stood up loudly to demand democracy and to be listened to by the politicans we elect.

  6. Doc, the Republicans distrusted Lincoln because HE was a radical, and a liberal.  There were several active conspiracies in the cabinet to replace him with Seward, or Salmon Chase.  You need to know your history better before you vent like that.

    Is there something wrong with Ms. Streisand having an opinion?  I see a lot of people who are throwing stones, and are no doubt just as self centered.

  7. I don't think much of anything Babs has to say.

  8. of course i agree liberals are mostly the good guys to bring power to the repressed,,,  conservatives want to keep the power structure in the hands of a few,,,, the media has confused most of the population

  9. It's accurate in some context, but also arrogant. This is a common fallacy among some liberals. The ideology is fine, possibly the best, but many self proclaimed liberals associate themselves with acts they might not be willing to repeat, or pronounce themselves as morally superior by virtue of the dictionary definition of liberalism. One cannot hide behind a definition, one must act as he defines himself. Some liberals do, some don't. Barbara is right to defend liberalism from conservatives' attempts to turn it into an invective, but if she believes the past of liberals absolves liberals, she's wrong. You can't survive forever on a legacy.

    Doc appears to be conflating liberalism with a party. So apparently the Republican and Democratic parties were always conservative and liberal respectively, even to the standards, if any, of the definitions of the terms today. I doubt it.

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