
What do you think of Tattoo "rings?"

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What do you all think of tattooed wedding rings? I think it is kind of a neat idea and different.




  1. I think a nice, tasteful one is ok.  some people just dont like wearing rings.  or like me...I become allergic to every ring I own.  I can no longer wear my engagement ring or my anniversary ring and its only a matter of time before I become allergic to my wedding ring too.  so I might consider one in the future too.

  2. my aunt has one that is the ugliest thing I have ever seen .. it is supposed to be  a diamond with fire and it looks like a big red blob..some are cute just not hers. . be careful of what design u use

  3. While I would not personally get one, they aren't that bad. The only thing is they fade after time, so the writing you want may also fade/smudge.

    Also, I think Jewish/Christian religions find tattoos sacrilegious. (I could be wrong about that though)

  4. I have nothing against tattoos, I have several myself, my only concern is that over time they can fade and kind of look smudgy.  With the tiny little Hebrew Letters they could end up looking like they were all merged in to one unreadable blob.  I am in no way slating your idea at all, I am just saying what could happen.

  5. --I don't really care for them because I think it's distracting.  However, I really like the verse you want to use.

    --It's your choice so get what you like.  Another idea is to have the verse engraved on the inside of the wedding band.

    --Best wishes.  

  6. Horrible, horrible idea.

    You're looking at your hands and fingers now when they're sweet and smooth like a baby's bum... what about in 20years, will it all get smudged and wrinkly?

    A ring will stay with you and look beautiful no matter what and will remind you of the day and how he put it on you.

    All the best.

  7. I really like these and the saying. They're unique! :)

  8. Im not a big fan. My sister's boyfriend has one though..

    I dont really think so to be honist, but go with what you think's right. I wouldn't get one until im defintely sure.

  9. i think they are stupid eyesores but that is my opinion

  10. It isn't 'different', it's the latest fad of those with no taste.

  11. I think they are awful but to each their own

  12. Oh, that looks really good in the Hebrew. However on the idea of a tattoo ring is not one I can comment on, because my only reaction to that is OWWWWWW!!!

  13. I really think tattoos look low-class. Sorry, it's my honest opinion.

  14. to be honest its really cheesy and ugly looking

  15. While I have nothing against tattoos, I have yet to see any tattoo rings that look even halfway decent. I wouldn't spend my money on one but I might get a tattoo elsewhere to commemorate it.  

  16. I can see the reason for doing it if you are in a profession where you can't wear rings (like a welder or something) or if you are extremely allergic to metals in rings.

    For me, its not something I would do because its just not "me." I think if you do it, it has to be something you are sure you want instead of a ring, not just something like, "hey, that looks kinda cool, let's do it..." Just make sure you put a lot of thought into it before you do it - they are unremovable as well so would you want that reminder always there if you would happen to get divorced? Not saying you will, but just something to think about.

    Long answer short, I think it works for some people and if it is something that is truely you, you should do it.  

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