
What do you think of Teenagers involved with alcohol?

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I'm writing an article for school, which is Teenages involved with alcohol.

I just want some opinion what people think.

To my opinion, teenagers are out of control with alcohol.

Iam a teenager myself, and i think teenagers drinking alcohol and getting drunk is really bad and out of control.




  1. Alcohol I think can be a very good thing, but not binge drinking like most teenagers do. I think it's very smart of someone to have one glass of wine at dinner every night. It's been found to have very good effects on your body and will not make you "buzzed" or drunk. But I think the whole teenager mentality of "lets go to this party and get wasted" is just ridiculous and being 17 I hear this everyday at school.

  2. i didn't drink when i was underage and felt left out because most of my friends did.

    i don't think drinking to excess is a good thing because it affects other people negatively, not just yourself.

    Lots of teenagers work after school, yet waste much of their money on alchol. I think that is sad, wasteful and causes trouble in our society.

  3. I think it is a very bad habit & it effects our mind,body,atmosphere & also other people. It is a habit which effects us socially also. As a teenager myself i think it will at a later stage of one's life will become a habit which one cannot stop.

  4. I'd say there a lot of people who abuse alcohol...but like anything (even food) if used in moderation it can be a good thing.  I enjoy a whiskey and coke occasionally and it doesn't harm anyone...but obviously getting as trashed as you can is dangerous.

    I've found teens who's parents allow them to drink tend to do it more responsibly...I mean, you don't want to get smashed in front of your parents and after you've drank with them around you realize being as drunk as possible isn't the best thing in the world.  Honestly, being buzzed is the best feeling.

    I've known a lot of teens who do it responsibly...but obviously there is a minority of teens who take it way too far.  Unfortunately the teens who take it way too far are the ones who get noticed.

  5. after experienceing a death cause by alcohol seeing it slowly eat his body away and the way it made him act toward people he loved.....

    anyways im a teen and i think alcohol is lame and dont see why they would want to be involved with it.

  6. There is a legal age for buying and drinking alcohol, the age is set a that age because it's hopeful that by the time you are legally able to consume alcohol you would be mature enough to use it sensibly, teenagers are not able to drink alcohol sensibly because there brains are still growing and they aren't mature enough to drink alcohol. I think they are playing with fire because like any drug its addictive and once you get the taste for it you might want it all the time. Teenagers will always want what they are not supposed to have though.

  7. Drinking alcohol by teenagers today is really miserable and bad. They shouldn;t develop this habit as it can cause physucal and mental loss to them. oUT OF CONTROL is a situation which is really serious matter. They should be educated by their elders and teachers in the schools not to drink. And parents must observe taht their children should not mix with wrong groups. A bad freindship leads to developing such  habit.

  8. I first got drunk when I was 12 and drank regulary all through my teens and back then it was normal

    This was in the late 1960s and 1970s

    Nowadays people are too anal about drinking which leads to more rebellion on tha part of teens and therefore more binge drinking occurs.

  9. Its really none of my business and out of my control. Live and let live I always say.

  10. It is! I do not know what the solution is for it because the drinking age is not solving anything.  It is something I feel teens do to feel more grown up or rebel. I was only 15 when I got drunk for the first time.  However the next day I thought about it.  Was last night that much better then other times I have had hanging out with my friend?  Was it worth it?  And the answer was no.  I am a very out going person and i love to have fun.  This is all with out the influence.  However many feel the need.  I am 23 now and I have not ever bought alchol because to me it is not worth it.  I would rather nourish my body with good things.

    It is a way teens feel they can get their anger out and angst towards their parents.  The same goes for drugs.  It is illegal and that makes it something they want to do.  I wish there was a way to cure it but I do not see any.

    One of my nieces is 14 and a freshman.  I make sure to talk to her about it and tell her to be careful.  I hope that what i say will help her but it is up to her in her own mind to think that it is not something she wants to do.  However when the pressure is on at a party after a big game or dance I do not know if the words I have told her will weigh in or the words of her peers with concure.  

    Also drinking is on TV all the time.  They complain about the amount of smoking on TV that they say is geared toward young adults.  Well the amount of drinking in almost every teen movie is also there.  So maybe we need to revamp society.

    Who knows what needs to be done or if there is anything that can be done

  11. well i girl i knew started drinking alcohol way more because of her parents and how ****** up they are. she tried to get me into that scene but i bailed on her.

    my opinion is that it's not good for you and that it's probably only temperary.

  12. I agree with your opinion. I think drinking is out of control and wrong at any age.

  13. I grew up in a very rural area. We hunted, fished and went to keggers. That was about all there was to do. Most kids started at about 15. By some miracle we all lived to grow up. I wish now I had not wasted those years. My parents tried everything to get me to straighten up but when I finally did it was my choice. My Mom was a teacher and my Dad was a farmer. They were good, honest hardworking people who tried very hard to give all 6 of us kids a good example to live by. I can't blame them one bit for the trouble I brought on myself. Fortunately I married a tough little girl that would stand up to me. I haven't had a drink for almost 22 years.

       Kids are gonna do what they're gonna do. I still give my kids advice. Sometimes they take it. Hopefully they take it on the important stuff.




  15. I'd say it is totally normal, better to get it out of your system when your young I'd say.  I'm 25, I drank and "experimented" in my teenage years, and I haven't had a drink or anything since I was 20.

  16. i think it depends on the person.

    in fact in drunk right now, and its quite ;nice :)

    12th birthday yehhhhhhhh

  17. yes but its mainly the parents fault that they are out of control.

  18. teenagers and alcohol is a very bad combination.  I lost my mother when I was ten due to a sixteen year old drunk driver.  Every ones lives were changed for ever.  I am 53 and I still grieve for her.  Love you mom

  19. that they are very misfortunate teens: if they need alcohol ... maybe they life was an unhappy one

  20. mm you only think that because you were raised in america. in europe theyre a lot less strict.

  21. My opinion?

    It's stupid, and just causes more problems in their future. From being an addict to alcohol, and letting it control their life and budget...

    At the time they probably think it's innocent fun, but in the long run, it's definitely not worth it.

    I just wish they all would understand that.

  22. I know this may sound S****y.

    But Teens are going to drink ( of course not all of them)

    You just hope there responsible enough ( I know there drinking how responsible Can they be? but any who) You hope there responsible enough not to get in a car or let there friends get in a car

  23. I agree with you on that. I am a teenager too. More and more teenagers are getting drunk for the sake of being drunk... and its just not healthy. Its dangerous especially as teenagers rarely get drunk with their parents or a responsible adult present, instead they get drunk with their friends or people they barely know. But quite honestly, I dont think theres much we can do about. In Australia the goverment has raised the price of pre-mixed drinks in an attempt to deter teenage binge drinking. This is a pointless and just plain thoughtless as tennagers are the ones with the highest disposable income, so it wont stop them, however people who drink responsibly are getting punished. Thats my opinion. Hope it helps.

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