
What do you think of The New Yorker cartoon cover about Obama? What do the Arabs think?

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  1. I am sure that is exactly the way Republicans view Obama. Of coarse I could come up with some ideas such as that cartoon -about McCain -probably more ideas.

  2. love it!... thought it was great ... fitting to all of their comments.... the ones that nobody wants to acknowledge.... especially libs....

  3. I hate that cover with a passion. It is one of the most cruel and insensitive things the media can do. It's sad that a magazine so hardly regarded would go this far. Despite their explanation for it.

  4. I think the cartoon hit a nerve; the true test of satire.  A famous political analyst rhetorically asked, "who else gets upset at the depiction of muslims in cartoons?" Hummm.. very telling.

    One critique of the cartoon: Barak's ears should be much larger to be proportional accurate.

  5. it sucks

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