
What do you think of Vince Carter's attitude?

by Guest10631  |  earlier

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I didn't know he was a d**k until I watched this

I mean,he didn't go to crucial Game 7 because of his wussy graduation.That isn't too wrong,but it's Game 7.

Is he really related to T-Mac?No offense to Raptors or Nets fan,and I love this guy's dunking,but seriously..




  1. Not going to game 7 trashed his reputation in the league. Once you sign on the dotted line your team becomes more important than a graduation, even a college graduation. I've always thought he was overrated. He's one dimensional. You are not helping your team if you score 30 points with a lot of acrobatic dunks if the guy you are "guarding" scores 35.

  2. Carters is the worst NBA Player he thinks hes good he was with the raptors we respected him in eveyway hey betrayed uss u Big STUPID BABy.. And T-mac is The g*y boys cousin..the thing they have in comon is that they think they can lead a team by them selves 2 a championship like Mj but they will fail miserabaly..And another thing happens when they go on a new team.. there team starts falling slowly every year like nets suck c**p now.. Houston is not making a good run..!! its true they cannot be on an nba team without them losing after 2 years..

  3. i agree with you

    he actually said NO WAY,,,

    when raptor fan were saying MVP to him

    Pluse t-mac is hes cousin

  4. okay now hold on a second. First of all T-mac's his third cousin.

    So what if he attended his graduation? He was still the first one to make it to that game 7!!

    And this guy has been nothing but a humble man. He's never proclaimed himself as the greatest player alive, or calling himself the best. And what's wrong with going to a graduation anyway? It's for college, which most nba players have never graduated in.

    LAst season he played the whole season with an injured ankle! How is that not commitment? He has been nothing but great with his attitude and raptor fans are mistaken.

    Raptor fans misunderstand Vince Carter.

    check out this on Vince Carter:;...

    edtied:Also don;t u people think he starts playing so bad because of his injuries!?! u old fans always wanted him to go to the rim and thats what leads to injuries!! He does wat u want he gets hurt and u get mad. he plays bad becuz he's injured, and u still get mad!! wtf?!?!?

    edited edited:hold on for your information, after that game Carter said, the whole thing got out of hand and he payed for Peterson's fine!!!!!

    and I do Know. He was there at the beginning of the game!!!

  5. they are like second cousins

  6. Yeah, that's pretty much accurate. Like I said on here before, Vince Carter will only play at his best if he's happy. If he's not happy he'll stop at nothing short of giving his teams plays away to the opposing team. Yeah it's childish as h**l but it's the way he operates. Nets fans are always wondering why it seems like he doesn't try, if he wants to he has the talent to be a top 5 shooting guard in the NBA.....if he's happy.

  7. Oh yeah, that's VC in a nutshell. Whenever he's happy he'll play his best. If he's not happy he'll play like c**p and leave you to wonder what the h**l is wrong with him. That's exactly what he did to the Raptors. He played like c**p because he wanted out of Toronto. With the Nets, Vince played pretty well in his first season in New Jersey. I think he's pretty happy with the Nets but the Kidd and R. Jefferson trades must've made him a little dissapointed. We'll have to wait and see how VC play next year without J. Kidd and R. Jefferson.

    And yes, VC and T-Mac are cousins.

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