
What do you think of VoIP phone services?

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  1. I use the following VoIP services with very good results:

    Skype, Gizmo5, CallCentric, InPhonex, Efonica, PcCall,,, EarthCaller, GrandCentral

    I use them all for different reasons and different purposes at different rates.

    No one service is the do all, be all, end all...

  2. I have magic jack. It works great for me and has many features. Free local and long distance, Voice mail, call forwarding and free 411 and 911 service. But its not a monthly charge. It is 19.95 a year. You pay 39.99 for the USB jack and it includes the first years service. You can use any land phone you want. Some Internet phone services require you to buy a special phone to use with their service. I ordered mine and received it 4 days later. I did not even pay for expedited service. I am very happy with it.

  3. I have it for 5 year and love it! The features are fantastic and the price is just right!!

  4. Magic Jack is great! Only problem is with the quality of my DAL line from AT & T. I'm running it on Vista and need to close applications, but it's the right price.  I call my Mom in Florida from Georgia every day, she's 88. Saves my about $40.00 a month.

  5. VoIP has good potential, especially over mobile phones to make cheap calls.  The problem at the moment with services like Skype is that they work like bittorrents, so get more efficient the more people use them - but unfortunately not enough people use it at the moment to keep the service reliable.  Catch 22.  VoIP for business is more successful (thats why we get a lot of international call centres these days)

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