
What do you think of Wikipedia?

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Do you think Wikipedia is reliable, unreliable or somewhere in between? I personally think it is reliable to an extent, but what do you think?




  1. In Between.

    1. There are some reliable sources which are most likely very famous in which many are dedicated to edit and refine the page. This articles are "locked" which means not everyone can revise it so that vandalism/ and wrong sources are prevented.

    2. Some are reliable But we cannot be certain of this considering that everyone is allowed to have access on editing the page. (some people just assume to much and don't have facts and basis about what they are saying).

    3. Some May just create some articles But are doing it just for fun and without any dedication. i.e Vandalism of some sort

    I say the description on number 1 are most the like the most informative and reliable while number 2 makes it 50%-50%; and number is the Bad side of it(i'm not sure if any are their but i've heard that one article was locked because of vandalism)

    Regardless Doing research is easier using wikipedia and I still use it as a source even after considering the down sides of it

  2. It's fast and easy, but if you're doing a report, you still need to find real sources for all your info. Using Wikipedia as a reference will get you a bad grade.  

  3. I will say it is reliable in general.

  4. It sucks. People go back and forth in editing wars

    changing the information all the time.  

  5. It is generally reliable. Where it falls down is where there is a reason for someone to introduce bias. Thus a few articles are somewhat one-sided, but such articles are that way in standard reference works also. So, while it could be better, Wikipedia is, compared to the alternatives, a reliable and comprehensive general reference work. The best thing about it is that if you find an error you can correct it. That is not true of other reference works or of media generally.

  6. same

    not all the information is exactly reliable.

    so i'll say somewhere....over the rainbowwwww

    yh it's inbetween

  7. i think wiki is like most reliable ever, unless u get false information (which hasn't happened to me yet).

  8. Its a great source for me, but sometimes idiots go on there and edit pages to make them say false info or inappropriate things.  

  9. Wikipedia is good for us when we want to know any things about place ,country ,things or somethings else.

    I always check somethings by wikidepia when i don't know somethings.

  10. yeah its a good source of information, webpodia is pretty good too.

  11. Well, Wikipedia has information on almost everything, but you can right anything you want on it. In order to do that you need sources for it, then the Wikipedia staff checks to make sure your not makin things up on purpose.

  12. it sometimes is reliable but becuse pepole can edit it not all time

  13. somewhere in between

  14. Sometimes it's reliable, sometimes it's not. I never get my information from there though.

  15. Wikipedia is ok. If you're doing a research paper, or statistics for a job, i would not trust wiki. at the bottom of the pages, they allow any moron to go ahead and edit some information on Pope John Paul II, algorithms, or the Middle Ages. If you're looking up something that doesn't matter that much, you could just type it in on wiki, but i would rather use it is a search engine that has info on 121,617,892,992 webpages, three times more than Google. This is a great alternative, with great information. You could even just rely on if you have a question. :-)

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