My personal opinion is that I liked them the way they were. I liked the fact that you could click on the word "discuss" if you felt immediately passionate about a subject and post your thoughts. I felt that this approach had more of an impact on people's thinking, and also was immediately visible to whomever wished to post their thoughts on a particular Yahoo article.----The New Message Boards aren't even visible even despite the fact that I clicked on the RSS feed button and it didn't even add 'the message boards info. to my Yahoo page. I'm very disappointed or perhaps I just have a problem and can't get used to their new "message boards format."------I must admit one thing, I had 6 different 'somewhat anonymous' profiles with the old Yahoo message boards, and what I don't understand is that I still got found out as far as my e-mail address, and as a consequence ended up getting harrassed/spammed by individuals that didn't agree with my thinking! THAT I did NOT APPRECIATE!--