
What do you think of Yahoo's New Message Boards Format?

by  |  earlier

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My personal opinion is that I liked them the way they were. I liked the fact that you could click on the word "discuss" if you felt immediately passionate about a subject and post your thoughts. I felt that this approach had more of an impact on people's thinking, and also was immediately visible to whomever wished to post their thoughts on a particular Yahoo article.----The New Message Boards aren't even visible even despite the fact that I clicked on the RSS feed button and it didn't even add 'the message boards info. to my Yahoo page. I'm very disappointed or perhaps I just have a problem and can't get used to their new "message boards format."------I must admit one thing, I had 6 different 'somewhat anonymous' profiles with the old Yahoo message boards, and what I don't understand is that I still got found out as far as my e-mail address, and as a consequence ended up getting harrassed/spammed by individuals that didn't agree with my thinking! THAT I did NOT APPRECIATE!--




  1. A very good question, I wouldn't either. I am not much help on the right answer tho! Good Luck, But getting the right one, I am sure will help many others.

  2. It sucks. Period. It is a sad excuse for an "interactive" exchange of ideas; difficult to navigate, highly censored and controlled. It is the equivalent of practicing "free speech" in a church confessional.

    Horrible product.

  3. I wonder if the demise of the old message boards had more to do with trolls or with that guy who sued Yahoo because someone was using the boards to defame him.

  4. That's why my approach was to use different accounts for different topics, so the creeps didn't follow me around.

    Let's see what YMB Version 3.0 brings.

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