
What do you think of a 13 year old girl getting rid of her hair in the upper lip?

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im 17 and im redhead so i have never waxed my upper lip but my cousin has blue eyes, very very pale skin, and very black hair. She has a little bit of hair in the upper lip but she's so pale and got black hair, it attracts the attention.

so, should she get rid of it? isnt she young?

i have wax on my house and she wants me to do it, but i dont know if it will grow black and strong? and how do i do it, plucking, wax, hot wax?

it is said that when you wax it, a dark stain appears on your upper lip...

so idk.

thanks :)




  1. Yes, as a teenager I'm sure you wanted to look and feel your best, so be a cool cousin and help her.  I would recommend Sally wax strip, minimum pain for her, and the and it should take a while to grow back.

  2. you should that's just gross. and her crushes will thank you and i haven't im only thirteen don't use wax take her to the professionals

  3. If its very noticible then its ok to remove it but I would reccommend going to a professional salon for her first time to get it waxed. Waxing oftentimes makes the hair that grows back appear finer  but plucking can make it come back just as coarse and its twice as painful to pluck all those hairs! She can bleach the hairs but if their thick I'd go with waxing. Once she gets used to it you can help her at home with a small self-waxing kit, or over time she may not need to wax anymore because the hair has grown back so fine. There is some irritation after waxing but if done properly it shouldn't last longer than a day and can be easily calmed with cool water or ice. A professional salon will also have products to treat the area before and after it is waxed to minimize pain and irritation. Good luck!

  4. i'm 13 years old and my friend has the same problem. she's been waxing her lip since she was 12.  and when she waxes it she doesn't use hot wax. You have to be really care full though because she cut her lip really bad when she did it once and now there's a scare there.  

  5. get rid of it and either shave it or wax it

  6. Well, I think she should go to a place where they wax lips, eyebrows, etc. My sister had her lips waxed and she is about 12 years old now. When I got my lips waxed I was 14  and this happened pretty recently. I went to a salon that waxed eyebrows and lips. The same place my sister went. If she ever does go to wax her lips, she has to go every six weeks.  

  7. Wax strips are the most effective. Do not shave it off otherwise it will come back prickly and look awful. If people are giving you strange looks, being abusive and rude then you might want to do it. However, there are many teenage girls I know who don't wax it off. If people are rude and abusive then you just need to think how much better you are than them. Clearly there is an emotional/psychological problem they need to address. Don't retaliate.

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    I hope this helps. Take care.


  8. i think she should she  is 13 so theres notin wrong wit it

  9. umm plucking would do the job because it destroys the hair's roots and that prevents a lot of hair from growing back.  But don't u think she is way young fur that.

  10. you can also go to a store like CVS or walgreens and buy like hair removal lotion for your face like nair or maybe veet

  11. better try plucking method as the next growth will be slow and natural but

    it is painful and also harmful to your eyes. But prices have to paid.

  12. i dont think its 2 young if she feels uncomfortable with it wax it it may a be a little painful but i think its worth it...actually my friends 13 and and she has gotten it waxed once cause it was bad :) and it grew back in like 4 months so it wasnt bad and it didnt leave a stain or grow back stronger and thicker it actaully made it a little thinner so i say go ahead and do it...i would suggest using hot wax or a face depilatory cream for the face so its a little less painful

  13. I have waxed my daughter's upper lip when she was in elementary school because I felt that it was more important to her self esteem than it was for my own ego as a parent.

  14. its ok do do it now. shes not that young and at least later in life it wont be as dark  

  15. if it makes her self-consious, then sure, go for it

  16. mabey u should ask ur parents first ...better safe than sorry.. =)

    hope i helped

    --я ә ѕ н м α ♥

  17. i wax mine all the time,

    the more you do it, it comes back lighter and finer

    i think i started doing it when i was 13 or 14

    just heat up some wax but not too hot

    it can take up to a month to grow back or for some people within a few days

    i really don't think age matter, but if it really bothers her

    then waxing is a good choice, and while it's growing back,

    you can either bleach it or pluck them

    hope this helped!

  18. if you do... get used to shaving the rest of your life!

    Tell her to leave it alone... the ewwwww factor of kissing a gal with stubble is beyond expanation!

  19. I didn't do it at 13, but I use the Nair pre-waxed strips for face/bikini area. i'm currently 25, but I started when I was about 16-17 because the ladies in my family have a 'mustache' problem so i knew it was coming. Hasn't left a dark area and I'm pretty sure it only grows back thicker and darker if you shave it... i do not recommend that!!! If you use wax, just make sure it isn't too hot because that skin is sensative and wax can burn you.

  20. well it attracts attention thats for sure. if she wants to do it, you should let her. maybe take her to a salon and let them wax it.  

  21. well first time i did it i was like 12 so idk...

  22. You should go 2 the nail salon they do it 4 you. &  I dnt think its young I konw people who got it even younger.<=

  23. If it bothers her do it! Schooll is about to start and you don't want her to be known as the girl with the mustache.

  24. i know someone who has really dark hair but she is in her 40's, she waxes her upper lip. umm.. sometimes its more noticible than other..everyone has upper lip hair. so if it does really bother her than let her do it....btw waxing it, i heard, hurts really bad, but it goes fast.

    ive never heard of staining. get it done by professional only because they know how to do it with minimal pain and thier are some creams and suff she may need.

  25. I'd say let her do it. It might make her more confident. If you're not sure how to do it, you could take her to a salon for the first time, ask lots of questions, that way you know how to do it correctly.

  26. I've got dark hair and light skin as well, and it used to totally bug me when I was about that age... everyone has hair though!

    I'd recommend trying something like Nair instead of waxing, as I had a friend who waxed and got ingrown hairs, and was red for a day or two after waxing... which in my mind is more embarrassing, and painful! If she tries Nair, let her know she should read the instructions carefully!

    She could also try bleaching her hair. It looks fine, and doesn't hurt at all. Some of those cream hair removers make the hair grow in finer after a couple of uses.

  27. LAZER HAIR REMOVAL... A very good idea... The longer she waits the more she would regret it.

    A very good idea for the boys also as they could rid themselves of the problems associated with hair growth when they get older.

    Once your hair turns grey the treatment no longer works. Does NOT  work on red hair either...sorry.

    About 5 sessions at 400.00 is average.  

  28. Hey, I was a teenage bigfoot, when some girls go through puberty, they can become hairy, I begged my mom to let me shave my legs when I was in 3rd grade. People laughed at me. then, my upper lip, back then, I started shaving it,(big mistake), I did not know of waxing then.

    As I got older, the worse it got. If I let it go, I could join the circus or a freak show... But, guess what? The Dr. gave me a perscription of a cream called completely stops the growth of hair on womens faces. YAY!

  29. its not too young. especially if shes insecure about it and people always notice it.

    just buy the sally hanson (thats what i use but there are other things--by the way im 13 too :)) and follow directions then just put it where it needs to go and rip it off :) its really easy and self explanitory

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