
What do you think of a 13 year old with a sixteen year old?

by Guest45249  |  earlier

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  1. nothing wuts rong with that?

  2. what with a 13 yr old? and 16?

  3. I think its too much of an age difference. I'm 13 and my brother's 16, I vowed I would never date a guy older than my brother. At least not in my teenage years.

  4. nothing really its fine thats kinda like me when i was 14 i dated a 17 almost 18 year old but now im 15

  5. Nothing...that's  only a four year age difference. People get married with an 8 year difference so...yeah.

  6. too young + too young.

    date when you're both older

  7. i think it whould depend on the gender

  8. That's like a 6th grader with a 10th grader...

    YOU do the math.

  9. as long as they're not having s*x it's ok

  10. I think that three years isn't a big difference if they're in the same school, or the youngest is in high school. But somebody in middle school and somebody in high school is just too much of a difference. There is no reason for a16 year old guy to go out with a 7th grader. It's weird, and he should find someone at least in his same SCHOOL.

    so yea

  11. ..its disgusting.

  12. no offense, but the 16 year old would have to be pretty dang desperate.

  13. if the 16 year old is sincere its just fine but if not he might try to use her.

  14. sixteen year old is after only ONE thing, unless HE has a maturity problem.  16 year old boys tend to think 13 year olds are Kids.  Like their pesty siblings.  

    YOU are right to be concerned.  Talk to your mom.

  15. I think its okay as long as the boy (or the girl I guess) isn't using the other for anything.

  16. at 16 you should be with someone more your own age. i cant go below 15 it just feels akward for me. but i mean people get married with like 10 years of age difference. i wouldnt reccomend it now, but later go for it

  17. Depends--what are we talking here?

    Just friends? Then nothing wrong with that.

    Something more--Yep, something wrong with that.  

    And illegal in most states.

  18. Yea so who really cares. Age doesn't really matter. But you do know that the older the guy, the more    ually active they are.

  19. there is nothing wrong with that.

  20. If they are just going to the movies or hanging out together and not getting into sexual stuff i honestly think its fine.. When i was 13, i dated a 17 year old... lol ..... and then i turned 14 1 week later.

  21. nothings wrong as long as they dont have s*x

  22. At those ages, that's too much of an age difference. The 16-year-old will have too much power in the relationship, and since he's older, he'll ultimately probably have more expectations about how far they'll go.

    Do your parents know about this? If I were them, I'd sit your sister down and discuss this with her. I'd also never let her be alone with this guy. Ever. No matter how nice he is.

  23. nothing

  24. pregnancy

  25. 13 yr dude w/ 16 yr girl= NICE!!!!! hahaha

    13 yr girl w/ 16 yr dude= not cool man!!! no way!! thats ****** up!!!!!!!

  26. Nothings wrong.

  27. It's okay, I'm 14 with a 17 year old... I see nothing wrong if they know what they're doing... aren't just doing it for fun, aren't ashamed of it, and really care about eachother.

    A lot of couples are 3 years apart anyways... they're fine.

  28. make sure you keep in eye on them and get them on some birth control now

  29. 13 yr old should know what shes getting into and make sure 16 yr old actually cares but other then that age isnt really a problem

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