
What do you think of a 2 yr old girl that has 3 mo twin brothers and she ignores them all the time?

by Guest63354  |  earlier

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What do you think of a 2 yr old girl that has 3 mo twin brothers and she ignores them all the time?




  1. While you were pregnant, your daughter was 15-24 months. During this stage of development, the child does not yet understand the twins as permanent objects. She might just think by ignoring them they are going away. Additionally, this display of slight rejection generally correlates with the feelings of jealousy. She watches her parent(s) spend so much time tending to the wee ones, and although she might understand it is necessary, she is still nonetheless jealous of the unequal attention.  I bet she would ignore the twins less if you and your spouse take an hour each week and create a tradition of "Big Sis Time"; do something with her that she wants to do. Don't worry she'll warm up to the twins soon.

  2. they aren't her babies, why should she bother with them? all she can see is that there are 2 pests taking her attention away from Mom and Dad.

  3. I'd say she's a typical two year old who  has better (more fun) things to think about.  Seriously, a two year old doesn't think like an adult....she sees the babies as a nuisance and in her mind, rightly so. They take up mom and dad's attention, they cry all the time, you can't play with them, really....what is she supposed to do with them?  To her, they are probably extremely boring.  So long as she isn't being hurtful or cruel, I wouldn't worry about it.  When the twins get older, she'll most likely garner more interest in them.  But for now don't worry -- her behavior is perfectly normal given her age.

    One thing to be careful of though, people are going to come  to the house and make a big deal out of the twins because they're babies....make sure that the two year old gets her fair share of attention too.  Make a big deal out of her being the "big sister," etc.  That way she won't feel resentful of the attention the twins are getting.  After being the baby for a while, having two new babies take her "place" (as the baby of the family) can be quite an adjustment.

  4. She's only two they're only 3 months. what is she supposed to do...start diapering and feeding them?

  5. I don't see anything wrong with that. She may feel like they are getting her shine and attention. She will probably come around. Just try and introduce them back to her and just make sure she is getting penty of attention too. Involve her in things to do with the babies like diaper changes and putting on pajamas and enertainment. make her feel like a legitimate part of their life and everyone elses.

  6. I think that is typical behavior for her age.  If those are your kids, please take a Developmental Psychology class.  If you are the mom, take calcium.  That's a lots of babies in a very short time.

  7. A pair of 2 mo. olds isn't very interesting to a 2 yr old.  Think about it from her point of view: all they do now is make noise, leak from both ends, and hog Mom's time.  When they're big enough to play she'll show more interest, and really get into being Big Sister.

  8. they are getting attention thats supposed to go to her (in her mind) and they just arent that interesting to a 2 year old maybe when they are older

  9. Well, they are only 3 months old. I'm sure once they start moving around on their own and getting into things (like her toys) she will start noticing them.

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