
What do you think of a UFO not made here,...?

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  1. The letter U in UFO mean "Unidentified". So your question is nonsense.

  2. UFO is the army of Freemason based at Bermuda Triangle

  3. i have bad news for everyone! they may or may not be from out there, it really does not matter. what matters is that they are here now, and that it is pretty probable that the ghost ships are being produced here! so many different types and shapes! remarkable. bases in the seas, and bases in the ground. wow, i sound pretty confident, don't i???????????????

  4. The story could be true. I was told by a friend of mine who was stationed on the USS Nimitz that he'd watched them on radar and 'other' tracking devices circle around the area and shoot straight up! No biggie you say, but it was doing 3400 MPH! Some secret planes and even US built UFO style aircraft may be able to accomplish this today, but this was a long time ago, I can't say when as he was a career naval officer.

  5. If UFO's were not from Earth why does the U.S. government take minutes in cleaning up a UFO crash site? It's their property and they know exactly where it is and were it lands or crashes. The truth is that the U.S. has had the technology for decades, but denies it because of the implications it would bring. Not of aliens, but of technology. Imagine we had that kind of technology. The worlds economy would plummet overnight. We would no longer be dependent on oil or fossil fuels. I predict that we will know the truth, once the Money Masters have run out of oil to sell and out of fossil fuels to sell to us, the consumers.

  6. I would love to see one.

  7. they are suspended in the outerspace or somewhere below the earth's rust!

  8. Nonsense the guy says? Just because it is unidentified doesn't mean it is actually from another planet! But with all the sightings, from highly credible people to myself(not that I'm not credible), its very amazing that someone doesn't believe that there is someone or something living elsewhere that has the ability to come to our planet! Most people just cant grasp a more intelligent being than ourselves. Our government does a fine job of covering up allot of the UFO sightings and encounters. I believe because i have seen!!!

  9. UFO means unidentified flying object. Just because it's unidentified, doesn't mean it came from space. Maybe it's a flying object that is being tested and they haven't given it a name yet. Sometimes if there is something in the air and you didn't get a good look at it. You can not identify what it is and then it becomes an Unidentified Flying Object to you. It sounds like an X File.

  10. what is the actual reality behind UFO

    why d**n this is taught in our lessons too during education?

    UFO's reality is answered in this link below:

  11. Having witnessed paranormal phenomena, (ghosts), but no UFOs, I can say that it's possible to witness amazing things not easily explained away. There are more UFO sightings than ghost sightings, so that lends strength to the 'pro' side of their existence, whether extra-terrestrial or not. I am a retired telescope maker/ optician, and have spent hundreds of hours observing the clear night sky. I have seen meteors, satellites, bolides, flocks of geese by moonlight, rocket launches, aircraft and even telescopic meteors(too small to be seen naked eye), but sadly, no UFOs yet. I am a believer at heart.

    "The universe is not only stranger than we suppose, but stranger than we CAN suppose" (I think that was Einstein)

  12. A UFO is an unidentified flying object, so that means that the person seeing it cannot identify it.  So whether it is anything unusual depends on the object's characteristics and the expertise of the witness or witnesses.  Some sightings are undoubtedly of stars, planes, planets,etc., but others are hard to explain, for instance, those seen by pilots, astronauts, and military personnel.  Check out the Rendlesham Forest Incident, the book Left at East Gate, the 1975 Loring AFB. sighting, Gordon Cooper's book Leap of Faith, and the book, Witness to Roswell by Carey and Schmitt, particularly the affidavit of Walter Haut.  Travis Walton also wrote a couple of interesting books.  A UFO hovered over O'Hare airport and was reported on many news networks a year or so ago.  I do not believe that any of our experimental air craft would have hovered over a busy airport.  I think that our tendency to laugh at anything we don't understand yet hampers any serious effort to find out what they are.  There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio...

  13. Wow, I see we have another unsubstantiated claim.  Such claims, unconfirmed as they are, amount to nothing more than rumors or urban legends written and or distributed by people who want to believe in ETs so bad.

  14. I guess by that you specifically mean some sort of alien craft, not an meteorite. I'd have to have a look at one to give you an opinion.

    If you mean do 'I think they exist,' possibly. If you mean do I think people have seen them, unlikely. Life on other planets may be possible, it is also possible that they could be far more advance than us. If aliens could travel faster than light, they would have the technology to never be discovered. If they don't, then they would have either moved on or stayed. If they had stayed, I think we would have noticed.

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