
What do you think of a couple having 17 kids?

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The Duggars are a family with 17 kids. The mother is currently pregnant with her 18th child.

Here is a link to their website. You can see their photos.

Do you think 17 children are too many?




  1. I've seen interviews with this family. The kids are loving and respectful of their parents and each other. They all have specific chores and help each other. The big kids are assigned little ones to help get dressed and such. These parents do a wonderful job. Not everyone could do this, but this family can and does it well.....I think it is just fabulous.

  2. its disgusting ! the planet just cant sustain it ! and who pays for them ?

  3. Oh God. Yearning for Zion.

  4. This family are amazing to me ..they take care of their own children and they work to support them ..i think its great that they are such a loving family that can take care of themselves without help from noone i say each to their own way i could cope with 17 kids !

  5. Any couple can have as many kids as they want, as long as they can financially support them, provide reasonable living conditions, and give quality time.

  6. to each their own.  I've seen this family's specials and all these children seem really smart and fairly well behaved.  I beleive they are being raised very well.  It takes very special parents to do this.

  7. *edit* my first post was just mean.  they must have really good babies.


    i have 4 and i think i'm crazy sometimes!

  9. I have seen this family, and all of the children are stair steps.  They are very entertaining, and I know that their eldest daughter had a baby also, so not only are they still having babies, but they are grandparents now also.  I think that 17 kids is too many for me, and anyone who is dependent on society for caring for those children.  However I know from watching this family on TLC that they care for all of their children, and when they built their new home, they did not go into debt in order to do it.  They are very self-sufficient, so if 17, 18, 19 kids is still feasible and within their budget, well so be it.  Who are we to determine what they should and should not do with their children?

  10. Spread of the Word. I admire their politics, religion, modestly, traditional values, and love.

  11. We believe that children are a blessing, that God opens and closes the womb, and He knows best and we have no desire to dictate to Him when to give us children and how many.  We have 4 children, with our 5th on the way, and if things continue as they have been (in terms of spacing), we'll probably have around a dozen children.  We trust in God to provide for those children He gives us, even if that were 17.

    Yes, the Duggars house is amazing in size, but you don't have to have a home that big for that size family.  We are currently in a home under 1200 square feet.  We plan to buy a new home after the baby is born, but we still are looking for something around 2000 sq ft for our family with up to 9 children.  A family member of ours has a 4 bedroom 3600 square foot home, and we'd be comfortable in that house with 17 children.  If they can afford it and like it, then that's great, but I just hate to see people assume it's a necessity.

  12. I doubt the kids get attention as individuals and they are probably doing this only for publicity. Do you know how much money they would have to have to even be able to feed, school, cloth, elictricity bills, etc and collage...there is no way..

    its stupid and inconsiderate to thier children.

    *The older ones are "assigned" children..yeah and I'm sure they take care of the smaller ones full time too. NO way would a mother and father have time to care for each  child individually. Children shouldn't be forced to raise thier siblings bc thier parents dont have time to. It's ridiculus and they are making money for that house by doing the INTERVIEWS and TV SHOWS. How is that traditional or loving/caring?

    **GOD also expects us to be RESPONSIBLE enough to know when to STOP having kids when we can no longer care for each one. These people sound like they are trying to be the "Phels Family" and starting a cult.

  13. i think that is is weird but it is cool. and it would be wild.

  14. I think it's cool.  They wanted a big family and they can support them all and feed them all.  If they couldn't I'd be worried, but they seem to be doing really well.  I almost want them to adopt me they look like such an awesome family.

  15. i think its ridiculously too many and you better have a lot of money to support all them

  16. I have two and I want one or two more, but 17 that is way too much. How could any one support that many kids?

  17. I think it's irresponsible. And ridiculous.

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