
What do you think of a mature man who lies pretending love ?

by  |  earlier

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He is 48, married with children. He pretended being in love with her and almost destroyed her. She refused to have s*x with him and wanted to keep him as a dear friend. He continued to try to convince her that their love was enough to allow them to cheat as long as things remain secret. She refused, her life was becoming a h**l, being in a story against all her believes and she was unable to run away for good. Every time he contacted her she answered though never allowing their relation to get intimate. Now upset by her demand of respect he disappeared without explanation. She suffers still but she feels liberated . Do you think that a man, especially mature me, can lie to , pretend love for years , just to take a woman to bed?I mean do men realize the difference between loving a woman and desiring her? Are the borders perceptible or it is difficult to clearly say their feeling is real love ?




  1. He probably does love or lust for her.  He is also a cheater.  She should have shut him down from the start.

  2. He is not a mature man, on the contrary immature. He is a crazy man.  She should put a restraining order and report him to social services for child support.  The men has no sense at all, and he doesn't belongs in our society.  He not a men and I don't know how to call him.  For you girls out there be aware of this type of men.  They are a sweet and lie to get what they want.  How  could a man like that could be free.? I think just because he is 48 is MATURE? If he hasn't mature by 48 is time somebody put a stop to it.  I hope he end up in jail.       GA  

  3. One thing I will clear up here for all to take note and that is that these sort of men do not desire or love the lady they are in touch with, they are users of the opposite s*x, until it doesn't suit them no more. BUT I will have to say that there are a lot of females out there, especially other nationalities who will do and say anything to get into another country.

  4. I'm not sure what was on his mind nor hers. I would ask why she continued to let him in her life. And, if she wasn't getting her needs meet then she should have let go of him long ago. I'm sure there is at least a few men out there that are the way you describe. I would ask what part did she play in it and why did you let it go on and on?  

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