
What do you think of a random-lottery way of choosing our congress?

by Guest60527  |  earlier

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My husband and I came up with this idea a little while back...I think it's fabulous!

I say we should choose our congress (senate and house) by random lottery.

That would mean:

Every 2-4 years a random drawing would choose the Senators and Representatives for each state. Any registered voter over age 18 would be eligible provided they were healthy enough to take office.

(Those over age 65 would be required to pass a physical)

During the period that those people served, they would get all of the same benefits the current congressmen enjoy (medical care, free housing, large paycheck, etc.) however their benefits would stop 30 days after they left office.

This would leave our country (and it's laws) being decided and run by those who know it best...US. Not some rich oil tycoons, lobbyists, or other fool who is out of touch with the true american lifestyle.

Details beyond that point can be worked out, but as a pie in the sky idea, what do you think of this?




  1. In theory it does sound like a good idea but I don't think it would really work on paper. Can the lottery "winners" refuse to serve or is it more like a draft? Some people have no interest in government or no actual knowledge as to how our system works. It would also change the type of government we have which would also require new rules and regulations. We would no longer be a democracy. I think the better way to do things is for people to actually make themselves aware of the issues and make their decisions on well educated choices instead of being lazy and saying well she is a woman so i will vote for her, he is black so i will vote for him or he is to old to be president. when we become more educated about our political system as a whole and become wiser in choosing our candidates the sooner we get better and more responsible politicians in the system.

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