
What do you think of a single woman who uses a sperm doner to become pregnant?

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What is your opinion? I personally am against it because I believe that children need 2 parents to grow up properly. Also, I think a child has a right to know who their father is, even if he isn't a part of their life.




  1. I think it is a selfish thing to do.  Children need a mom and a dad.

  2. I agree with you.  I think it is best if children have two parents.  However if a woman wants a child I think she should adopt one to help rather than create another one.  Though with the very strict adoption regulations it could be difficult for a single woman to adopt.

  3. I'm a single mother who made a mistake as I have said over and over again. her daddy wants nothing to do with her he pays no child support nothing I work 3 jobs to support us. OK now having said that.

    My Daughter is being raised to LOVE and HONOR her daddy. I want to be honest with my daughter. you can't lie to them if you do it will backfire on you. and they will turn against you so she will be told the truth when she is old enough to understand she's only 2 years old now.

    YES a child needs TWO parents YES we know that. BUT having grown up watching my parents beat each other drink their life away and when they got bored it was my turn to get beat.  just because a child has TWO parents does NOT mean all is great. a lot of them are abused or worse. but YES a child should have 2 parents but when one does not want to be there no matter if it's the mother or the father one parent can love them and raise them right just ask any single father or mother God Bless

    As for women and sperm donors I don't know about that I don't know. sorry

  4. I don't have a problem with it.

  5. I see a few "none of my business" replies, which is too bad, because it doesn't answer the question.

    when david crosby is used as one by melissa etherridge, it's bad.

    he is a crack addict.

  6. If she is in a financial to do so then it should be ok. However, she should not raise the child herself. It is my firm belief that children need more than just a mother to become a balanced adult, they need a family, but it doesn't have to be a nuclear family. It can contain a father, grandparents, uncles aunts, cousins, distant cousins or even just close family friends. A child needs a large support system, many role models, and a boat load of love to help them grow up well.

  7. I don't judge, and I don't really care. I agree that the "ideal" situation would be a 2-parent household, but kids who have different types of home lives can still be well cared for and loved. So, unless the kid is being abused or neglected, I would butt out. Keep in mind that just because it didn't work for you, that doesn't mean it could never work for anyone else.

  8. I tend not to concern myself with the lifestyle of people I do not financially support. If others operated this way things in this world would be a lot better. There is something very novel about minding one's own business. I think famillies have the right to be created in a manner that works best for the members (and potential members.

    I believe that children need love and capable caregiving. If's not up to me to decide how many people that should include. Also where is the empirical evidence that two parents are better? Can you cite sources for your rant?

  9. So when you were a single mum your children werent growing up properly?  Are you also saying that it is better for a child to know that heir father is useless, unemployed and  violent rather than simply knowing that they came from some donated sperm, that someone was kind enough to donate to help make someone else happy?  I have a friend who was single for many years, wanted a baby and now has a 2 year old courtesy of IVF.  If this man had not donated his sperm she wouldnt have this beautiful, well adjusted boy.  In a perfect world we would have a mother and a father.  Thing is this is not a perfect world - read a story in the Australian press about the twins that were tortured and murdered by their parents.  

    Give me a bloody break.

  10. So you're also "against" men being sperm donors and GETTING PAID for it and then the women have to PAY for the sperm they want so badly to have a child to love?  Hmmmmm. . .  perhaps those women just think all men are like YOU and they wouldn't want anyone like that to be a role model father for their child - that's why the sperm donor - something for you to think about, huh?

  11. Difficult issue to give an absolute answer. It depends upon why she is using a sperm doner. Has her husband tragically died before they could have her own child and she does not wish to remarry? Or is she a misandrist who hates men but wants a child?

  12. I see alot of the "children need two parents!" hysteria on here. That's all well and good in a perfect world. There are alot of kids raised by one parent who turn out okay. As far as a sperm donor, eh. I'm indifferent. Women should be allowed the option if they want it.

  13. I think if a women really wants a child but doesn't have a husband or bf then maybe they should adopt. There are a lot of children who need homes.

  14. My parents did nothing but fight until they divorced, so having two parents can be completely irrelevant when it comes to upbringing. Parents can either be miserable together or apart, from what I've experienced - so the fact that some people say they need both parents is just wrong.

    It's up to the parents to be present in the kids life. But if it's a sperm donor, that person is opting out. As for it being an issue? Who am I to tell people what to do with their lives?

  15. I think it's absolute madness.  I totally agree with you, a child needs two parents.  Raising a child on your own is a nightmare, and anyone who does it on purpose is completely off their head.

  16. It's up to her.  It's not for us to decide.

  17. it's incredibly selfish.

  18. While I do think single women have as much right to motherhood as married ones, I guess you have a point about children wanting to find out who their parents are.  Are you correct in assuming that they will not be able to identify their dads?  

    I am not convinced that children need 2 parents to grow up properly - I'm not convinced that there is any narrow definition of properly that can be as narrow as that.

  19. I think it's completely up to her, as long as she's financially and emotionally equipped for single motherhood.

  20. Only a weathy woman could afford a sperm donor. Plenty of people had two parents and they turned out crazy:  all that is necessary is a father figure: an uncle, grandpa, etc.  One good parent beats two lousy parents any day.

  21. It is a bit difficlt question to answer in a true perspective. We dont know,what the curcumastances made her to take that crucial& typical decission.

  22. (ahem)..Can I be the donor??

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