
What do you think of abortions based purely on gender selection?

by Guest45340  |  earlier

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I don't like it.




  1. Yikes!  So wrong!

  2. It's wrong, but so is abortion for any reason.

    Edit to Add: Denise G, it's legal to have an abortion at any point in your pregnancy for any reason where I live. It's difficult to find a doctor who will perform one after a certain point, unless it's for a medical reason, but it's not illegal.

  3. That's horrible!

  4. I think its absolutly disgusting, Remember that asian couple that left thier baby girl in the hospital because they had wanted a boy, I think it was in london, It makes me sick to the stomach.

    I dont agree in abortions full stop though, Unless is its for un-avoidable medical problems.  

  5. Abortion for any reason is wrong in my book! To me people that do this purely based on gender selection are trying to play God and that is so not right, it makes me sick to even think about it!

  6. It's not legal.  You can't find out the gender till about 18 or 20 weeks and then it's too late.  And I believe NO doctor would do it even "under the table".

  7. People like this should only have dogs / cats...not children

  8. Well, I don't believe that the unborn are people, have souls or capable of meaningful experience, but having an abortion for the purpose of gender selection is unacceptable. It's not because of the nature of abortion though, like I said the unborn are not worthy of consideration and the risks of abortion to a woman are minimal compared to the risks of pregnancy. Abortion is less risky, both physically and emotionally, than full term pregnancy and childbirth, but even still gender selection purposes do irk me. I believe the biases, prejudices etc. that would play into this sort of decision for gender selection are without argument and morally unacceptable. That means that I do not believe that genetic manipulation in order to select a gender is morally acceptable either.  

  9. It's absolutely disgusting!!

  10. I am generally pro-choice although I would NEVER choose abortion for myself for any reason. (Give me as many thumbs down as you want for being pro-choice). But...I think having an abortion simply because the baby is not the s*x you want would be absolutely SICK and TWISTED. Like - "'s a girl? Ugh, I wanted a boy! Get rid of it! I'll just try again until I get my boy!" - I can't even imagine somebody thinking that way.

    Though I am not sure how possible it is anyways, since they don't do abortions past a certain point, and you generally don't find out what the s*x is until 18-22 weeks along. Unless you had an amniocentesis earlier on, but even that is often done between 15 and 18 weeks which is still too late for an abortion. EDIT: Though apparently not everywhere, so let me correct that to say they don't do abortions past a certain point, at least where I live.

    In any case, like I said, I think it would be AWFUL.

  11. I dont agree with abortions at all. if you read about how they are done and see pics it will make you sick....

  12. It's murder no matter the "reason".  If consenting adults don't want children they should abstain and for adults that want to pick and choose the gender of their child, they are dangerous and shouldn't have children and may want to consider adoption instead.  Killing babies because of their gender is about as cruel, soulless  and ice cold as a person could be.  It's as if they are shopping for a pair of socks.

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