
What do you think of actress Sharon Stone's comment that the China earthquake was because of "bad karma"?

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Stone's remarks, made Thursday at the Festival de Cannes, pondered a link between the earthquake -- which to date has taken the lives of more than 65,000 -- and China's treatment of ethnic Tibetans and their exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, whom she called "a good friend.",0,592068.story




  1. Anyone got any masking tape? Pathetic woman, she really ought to apolgize to the civilised world for such a stupid statement.

  2. Sharon Stone is for lusting over, not for listening to. Why would anybody pay the least attention?

  3. I've heard dumber things attributed to Karma..She doesn't have a right to free speech?

  4. Regardless of how sympathetic you feel for the Tibetans, Ms. Stone's remarks were outrageous.  For one thing I don't think natural disasters are ever "punishment" of a people for doing anything.   The Chinese government may be to blame for a lot of tyrannical behavior but it absolutely silly to think it justifies thousands of innocent men, women and children dying under fallen masonry.

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