
What do you think of airlines these days?

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So a co-worker of mine was telling me that the ariline that she is flying is charging her $20 per suit case checked in. I think it is absolutely ridiculous because American Airlines is notorious for losing luggage and why should anyone have to pay that just so they can AA can "misplace" it?

And I also think that it's ridiculous that some airlines are saving money by not filling up the gas tanks all the way. Excuse me I would not like to hear over the announcement that my plane is out of gas or below the FDA required minimal! ugh!




  1. Oh it's absolutely shameful. What with this whole low-budget airlines which are a complete rip-off! I don't know if you're familiar with Ryanair, but they do the same thing you described: you have to pay £24 for every bag you check in, you are only allowed 15kg per bag and have to pay £15 for every kilo extra! So much for low-cost airline!

    And I don't know if it's me, but it seems that they keep making the seats smaller and smaller, and have less and less space between your seat and the one in front. And this applies to most airlines!

    I miss the good old days, when I used to fly on Ethiopia Airways, with their huge seats, and comfortable flights. Service was wonderful and kind as well...

    In recent flights I've been on, the cabin crew threw me looks like I was doing them the worst wrong in the world by daring to ask them for water or whatever else! It's what they're paid to do afterall but they just have such a bad attitude...

    It's all going downhill... Which, in relation to planes, can't be a good thing!!

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