
What do you think of ali lohan.?

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personally i think she is nice and i like her style. but she does look old. she is cool at least better than miley...what do you guys think...all of your opinions,good or bad.




  1. Just hope that her life won't be a downfall, like Lindsay.

  2. She's cute

  3. I prefer Miley and I'm not even a Miley "defender". Ali looks haggard for her age and her obvious breast enlargement is pathetic. She's already lost any "cuteness" she may have had and I don't even think she'll be able to get as famous as Jamie-Lynn Spears.

  4. I totally agree with you. Her voice is decent. Better than Miley.

  5. shes ok

  6. i think lindsay looks better than her. although i think she is nicer. i hope she doesn't follow her sister's footsteps...

  7. she's following her sister's footsteps... she'll soon be a superstar...  

  8. she has the same nose as owen wilson

  9. Her voice is decent and I think she really cares about performing. She's got the true artist thing going on. She needs better vocal training to help smooth her voice through maturing, she's not as consistent as she should be. She's not as typically pretty as her sister, and the way she does her make up doesn't help. But she'll grow into her looks when she's a bit older. Unfortunately I think her mom is going to make her burn out before she's hit 21. Too bad, she has talent.  

  10. I reckon she's a spoiled brat.

    Did you see that episode of Living Lohan when she wanted ANOTHER dog?

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