
What do you think of all the AFL footballers who have gotten into trouble this past season?

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What do you think of all the AFL footballers who have gotten into trouble this past season?




  1. What do you think of the media pack who follow the game looking for 'stories' to make a living .     Its the largest of any "sport" in the country.    If Nathan Buckley was photographed having a meal with James Hird's wife, the media would make  a front page story out of it .    Headline would be something like " Buckley dates Tania Hird" when in fact the REAL story could be Mrs Hird likes No5 footy jumpers and is simply negotiating to purchase a Buckley autographed Collingwood jumper.    Then when the real story is revealed, the media add their spin and go to work again,  saying "Troubled FOOTY wife has footy jumper phobia ".   The TROUBLE as you put it,is often not that bad, just over publicised.    I follow the game for the GAME, not media sensationalism, about the game or  its  "PLAYERS".

  2. $

  3. More female netballers play up, than AFL footballers.

  4. I really dont care. Its their lives not mine. Tehy're all big boys im sure they can look after themselves without th media spying on them.

  5. That they're awesome, goes to show how normal they are

  6. I think regardless of their actions they should be suspended without pay until they can prove worthy of being an AFL footballer.

  7. its not good

  8. I bet it wasn't for fighting. I've heard AFL footballers are scaredy-cats.

  9. I love it.

  10. Drugs.  Ben Cousins and drugs

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