
What do you think of all the natural disasters?

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are natural disasters at a normal rate or have we been seeing them more frequently than usual?




  1. I think they are part of life and I don't necessarily believe their incidence or intensity are on the rise.  I believe we hear more about these storms when they hit popular areas, especially if they are heavily populated with people.

  2. The Earth is going into a ragging cycle!

  3. The earth has gone through much more h**l than what we are witnessing now.  People just weren't around to document.  As for all of the disasters lately...I agree it seems to be more frequent than usual.  Hurricane experts have already predicted a very active Hurricane season, but don't expect it to be as great at 2004-2005.  

    Also, I learned in a GEO class that the Earth precesses every 26,000 years and it is about that time for it happen again.  What this means is the earth wobbles (like a top) and therefore, the magnetic poles start to go crazy and switch.  This happens gradually over time and so this makes the earth's pulling and pushing plate tectonics go crazy.

  4. the earth will heave and sway as time moves on.  the skies will open up and the sun will bake.

    man will ultimately be caught in the wake of disaster.  

    it is the way of the world since we starting civilization and since we put ourselves in the way of natural forces.

  5. Disastrous! what I think..promise it's nothing to do with me...I recycle like the rest of you.

  6. I was just talking to my co-workers about does seem we are hearing and seeing more natural disasters recently.

    Makes this world a very scary place to live in!

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