
What do you think of all this signals from an aries girl.?

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I (Aquarius-2/16) know this girl (Aries-3/21) for almost 2 months now. The first time i asked her out for movie(1 month), she accepted w/o asking for the title, and after that movie we walked really close to each other, she did not try to move away. When i gave a souvenir, she initiated a hug(chest to chest,~5sec). Every time she see me she will initiate conversations. The last time i ask her out for movie, she said anytime will do, but when I ask to go for the movie, she say she gotta do some catching up for her study.

The bottom line is, any Aries girls out there can help me with this situation ? I want to know if hug from Aries girls is sign of affection, and if the other signs from her show that she might be interested in me?




  1. I'm an Aries and I am not that touchy-feely. I've read online that Aries tend to be that way, so the fact that she did hug you could mean that she likes you- she was stepping out of her comfort zone to show affection.

  2. Sounds like she's interested.  Aries are pretty bold, so if she wasn't interested she would've avoided you until she was ready to deal with you.  Back off a little and if she comes calling, you'll know she's interested.

  3. I'm an Aries. (So much so that people I just meet ask me if I am).

    I don't plan things ever. (It drives my friends crazy unless they are a geminie lol). So when somebody wants to do something with me I often change my mind at the last minute and follow another whim. Even to my best friends. So it doesn't mean she doesn't like you.

    Her hugging you is (at least if she is like me) a very big deal and a huge sign of affection. I don't even hug my best friends and I'm often emotionally detatched. But when I fall I fall hard and so for me if I hug someone it means I really like them. It also means I'm testing the waters and such like any other person. But generally it's a very good sign.

    Her initiating conversations is another good sign (at least for me). Even though I'm an aries and dive into things I'm a little shy about romantic things. She's probably flirting with you. Aries are flirts.

    Bottom line is that she sounds like she likes you but if she continues making other plans then I wouldn't chase her. This is the only time I'd say let her chase you. Aries like the chase and when you are doing it she prob easily feels crowded.

    At least that's how it is with me and I'm an Aries. So if you believe in star signs that is what I have to say. I really hope this helps.

  4. i'm an aries and i hug my friends and the people i like os its a tough one :s   she may like you though, it seems like it (: x

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