
What do you think of anarcho-primitivism or post-left anarchy with neo-tribalist characteristics?

by Guest65094  |  earlier

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What do you think of anarcho-primitivism or post-left anarchy with neo-tribalist characteristics?




  1. It would work better if the population densities where smaller.

  2. not mch at all,,,, and what do you think of polyelemental inclusiveism?

  3. Not much!

  4. I don't.  Sounds like too much work.

  5. I personally feel it is based on some flawed conceptions about humans and our appropriate environment. I really think it's a bit nutty, and I think that I can explain why concisely.

    Superficially, the ideas behind the politico-philosophic position(s) you mention flow from the idea that social hierarchy perpetuates inequality and other problems that result from lop-sided distribution of power. The primitivism or neo-tribalism comes in when people begin to advocate a "return" to "primitive" social organization and subsistence, and assumed universal social equality, collective governance, and an all over "return" to humanity's "natural" environment. Some who go this route actually try to live a less techno-industrial life themselves. Others' praxis involves trying to convince or persuade the world at large that applying the principles of anarcho-primitivism or anarcho-neo-tribalism are good for the future of humanity. some encourage through the dissemination of information and debate, and others through less nonviolent means.

    With systematic rejection not just of hierarchical social structure, but also of science, and technology (manufacturing, communications, domestication of plants and animals, etc.), this/these movement(s) seem to be a good example of extreme reaction to the cultural fragmentation that is a characteristic of the postmodern era. However, I don't believe that it is a very useful position, for several reasons: first of all, much of this thinking is based on ideas that might have their origins in anthropology, but are really outdated. Anthropologist have long since critiqued ideas that tout modern or past hunter-gathers as the epitome of class-less, peaceful, and "affluent" societies, but these bad ideas persist in the dreams of anarcho-primitivists. Second, members of these groups drive cars, organize meetings and actions on internet message boards, buy and eat domesticated food, etc. Very few actually try to put the philosophy into practice on any level.

    One of the main concepts among modern anarchists is that of praxis, or the practice of social action. I think that much more good could be done by people trying to focus social action to help the poor, clean up polluted environments, and promote safe food production and fair labor laws, just to name a few. To spend all of one's time and effort trying to destroy science and technology, pining for some non-existent forager's wild human utopia seems a great waste of passion and effort.

  6. It might just catch on.

  7. I personally dislike these particular positions, though I am a neo-tribalist, because of their obsession with class struggle.  I do believe humans belong in societal structures, probably interacting with other groups daily, of a size which can allow everyone to know and to care about everyone else which I think is beneficial for social and environmental reasons.  I just really dislike theories that focus on oppression because I think they generally hatch illogical, utopian plans.

  8. As someone said, it DOES sound like a lot of work, and I'm not fond of anything relating to anarchy (people are too stupid and/or greedy to govern themselves)...I prefer Marx's vision.

    Your wording reminds me of the excellent skit in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", in which King Arthur debates monarchism with Michael Palin's peasant and his views on anarchy & communal living...all the while he digs in the mud. Heh-heh.

    Still, anarcho-primitivism is a h**l of a lot better than what we have NOW, best summed up by the late Hunter S. Thompson:

    ""We are turning into a nation of whimpering slaves to Fear -- fear of war, fear of poverty, fear of random terrorism, fear of getting down-sized or fired because of the plunging economy, fear of getting evicted for bad debts, or suddenly getting locked up in a military detention camp on vague charges of being a Terrorist sympathizer."

    Too true...we used to be above to VOTE these hammerheads out of office when they got power-hungry, but now even the vote is worth next to nothing! Bring on the tribalism!

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