
What do you think of baby food snacks?

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Do you give your kids puffs and what not?

I tried the puffs and they have no flavor and i have tried those yogart things and they taste like vomit .




  1. Both of my kids love the puffs as well as the yogurt snacks.  :)

  2. My 8 month old liked the puffs but i only gave them to her once. she likes biter biscuits and fruit cut into slices big and safe enough for her to hold and eat by herself without me having to worry. Biter biscuits and baby cookies are the best !

  3. My son likes them both. He also likes banana toast. Toast will mashed bananas on top. The bananas make it real soft.  

  4. Yes my boys still like the gerber snacks and they are 3 and 6 years old now.  They like pretty much all the snacks and did when they were toddlers too.  I can't stand the taste lol but kids and babies seem to like them.  

  5. i got a few of those things at one shot just to try them all..the puffs, wagon wheels, ect...they all suck and some actually lack some nutrition.

    the best thing for your kid is cheerios, cut up easy to eat fruits, and "real" yogurt.  when your baby is a bit older, carrot sticks, pretzles, ect work fine.

    there is nothing like the oldies

  6. Puffs are expensive, so I gave my son Cheerios and cut up pears to eat.  Apples and other fruits were a little too firm, but ripe pears melted in his mouth, and he loved the flavor!  

  7. ya the puffs are alright they dont have much flavor. and yeah the yogurt things i really don't like my son hates em. he loves the graduate mild chedder puffs and the earths best crackers for snacks. he's very picky.

  8. My son LOVES puffs, the ones I buy have flavor. My son likes the banana flavored ones. He also LOVES the yogurt melts as well. I think they are gross but he likes them.  

  9. I don't know what ya'll are talkin about I love those puff things does my daughter! Those biter bisquit things are disgusting to me, but she likes those too. I guess depending on her age, you can try different things-cheese crackers, cereal, and all the little graduate snacks that they make! good luck!

  10. My daughter loved both.  The puffs were nice because they sort of dissolve, so you don't really have to worry about the choking thing as much.  

    The yogurt things have active cultures, so they are probably good for the baby.  But they are really sweet, so if you don't want to feed them to your child, don't.  Just stick with regular yogurt.

  11. Yeah, puffs aren't so great.  They're really expensive compared to cheerios!

    I fed my girls cheerios for their first self-feeding food and they still get them for snacks!

    I also cut up fruit for them.

  12. my son get them both... i never tried the yogurt melts personally but my son LOVES them, i actually use them in most meals when his attention starts to wonder away from his food, the introduction of yogurt melts often gets him to eat more food

  13. we do good old cheerios. Healthy grain, low sugar. My son liked the puffs, but they are just too sweet for a baby.  

  14. try the baby fruit rolls

  15. i bought a can of those puffs to try them and my son does not like them.

    it's probably healthier anyway to have a snack of fruit or veggies like apple slices, banana slices, carrots, pickles, cucumbers, etc. or cheerios..

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