
What do you think of belly piercings?

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What do you think of belly piercings?




  1. Too be honest can be s**y yes. But are too common now days. Which in end makes them less appealing. But still worth it I believe.

  2. Allright if you got a good belly

  3. I think if you get one it's really how you represent yourself and how you decide to wear it.I got one when i was 15 (i am now 19) and i really like mine.I usually don't show it off by wearing anything showy .The only time it is really seen is if i am swimming or something.I love mine it feels just like another part of me .If done tastefully i think there is nothing wrong with it.It should be more of a personal choice rather then following a fad like some ppl tend to do.

  4. I like them a lot.

    I'm getting it done later this year.

    Alot of my friends got it done last year (when there where 12.....)

    but yeah they are really cute ^.^

  5. I think they are cute,but people tend to show them off to much..And you can be any size and get one.

  6. I think they are very s**y!


  7. They're super cute if its a nice ring and you have a nice tummy I've seen some chubby and not so fit girls wearing them and they just look S****y but with the right top and a great bod its totally cute. Except for those extremely long ones whats up with that?

  8. if u got da body 4 it den get but dnt hve it hangn out lookn trashy and sluty, im n tlkn about ll girls its not cute whn u get it and u feel u hve 2 sho da hole world dats un lady like

  9. they can be very cute and s**y on someone. but it depends on your tummy. flat stomach, the better

  10. i think they really cute....

  11. i honestly dont like themm, they remind me of something like britneyy spears or something...

  12. It was faddish, and hooker like.  Not as many getting them done now.  They are realizing they don't make them any cooler, hip, playa, ballin, or S****y, Now they just look cheesy.

  13. I think they are cute, i got mine done when i was 16, which was 10 years ago.  They dont serve much of a purpose and the only time my tummy shows is when im in my bathing suit, but i like it an thats all that counts.. its fun to pick out different peircings and color cordinate it to your bathing suit lol... im about 8 months preggo and i still have mine in.. i get alot of compliments on the belly with the peircing.. but jus this last week its gettin a tad uncomfy lol.. it may be time to retire it for a few months!  

  14. I think they're really cute. =]

    I have one. And you don't really have to show it if you don't want to.

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