
What do you think of betting on a good friday?

by  |  earlier

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Have just been listering to the news and they have said that it is the first time on a good friday that betting has been allowed. What do you think about this.

I think that we are loosing a lot of are traditions and it should be if religious a holy day, if not a family day.




  1. absolute nonsense this country has been living in the dark ages for too long iam afraid today is just a normal day for most people and those that want to be religous should get on with it without forcing it on those who dont want to be.

  2. It was a safe bet to think people would complain about it! However, I am not too concerned about it. At the end of the day, those who wish to go to church at Easter can, that is fine.

    I don't really think it is eroding any religious festival or anything. After all, no-one is forced to go to a betting shop, or church, for that matter. That is the way it should be - each to thier own. Those who wish to celebrate Easter can, those that don't, won't.

  3. If people want to bet, let them. You can't force people to go to church - this isn't the Middle Ages.

    I wonder how many 'committed' Christians are hitting the shops today?

  4. well if you are a god fearing person you would not be gambling anyway the question is are we a god fearing nation is religion part of our culture way of life little by little the British way of life is going down the drain what is the Church of England doing about this their seems to be a lack of morals

    no wonder more people are turning Muslim as they seem to have a code of conduct and boundaries which everyone needs good Friday everything should be shut that can be nothing is sacred anymore its all about the money well god pays debts without money

  5. i dont see a problem, but i wouldnt mind betting that some christians will be angry

  6. Why not, I dont believe in betting anyday because it is the poorest that sufferrs.

  7. I do believe that good Friday is a day where gambling is necessarily to be given up. Along with meat, you really need to respect the wishes of God.

  8. I think its terrible - I am not a religious person but this is a religious day and should be kept so

  9. I think it's a good bet.

  10. pretty safe bet. as long as there's an easter sunday, it's almost certain good friday will precede it.

  11. There is nothing wrong with gambling today, the pubs & shops are open so why not, if people prefer to go to church all day then it`s entirely up to them, there`s too many people telling us what to do with our lives.

  12. i suppose it would be a good friday if your bet came up but i know what you mean

  13. another erosion of Christianity's message so the government can benefit from gamblers ( serious or otherwise ) addiction.

    gambling is condemned in the bible.

    but like so many other human activities,  

    it's being down-graded to be seen as acceptable & expected.

    nothing wrong, really depends on your point of view.

    to me it's the slippery-slope of society falling apart,

    since there is no direction, a failing moral standard & lacking basic christian principles.

    it will end in tears.

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