
What do you think of big families?

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Families with 10 kids or even more. I don't think theres enough attention for the children of a big family. Even though the parents might say that they give them all the attention they need. I mean of course they're gonna say that. My limit is 4 or maybe 5 not 15. Its just one of those things I see that gets me mad.

What do you think?




  1. if u are family oriented then you know 2 or 20 they will all be loved the same.

  2. we are 7 kids and my mother and father have never failed as parents to us. they give us too much attention right from the beginning and i love them so much and they are the best parents for me .. there are some families that has 10 to 20 kids and I really don't like that idea. they just love making kids but can't even buy the stuffs their kids are asking them.. They couldnot even send their kids to college and can't even eat.. They just put thier kids to miserable life forever .. if parents could not support the needs of kids then why make them?? for me I only want atleast 2 kids.. well if i am a billioner then it is okey to have 20 kids

  3. I think its none of my business to tell people how many kids they should or should not have.  As long as they can feed/cloth and take care of them, then let them have as many as they can handle.

  4. I have 7 brothers and sisters. We all get along, and my parents are always there for all of us

  5. I totally disagree with you. I have 5 sons, and I'm pregnant with twins now and I intend to have many more children. My kids range widely in age, so it isn't that hard to manage them and I feel I can give them all the attention they need.

  6. I think WOW! how did they do it.  And why would a women what to go throw that.  

    I don't get mad at it they have their reasons.  It is not for everyone.  I personally only want 1 or 2.  I only want 2 because I want my little one to have a friend to grow up with.  I would be fine with just one. Being pregnant is a lot of work let along raising a baby.


  8. My Father came from a big family.

    15 kids.

    They were all loved and had enough attention.

    Money was tight.

    But they had everything they needed.

    I like big families.. More people to love


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