
What do you think of blacks threatening race wars if Obama doesnt win?

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Kind of stupid but shows some people's mentality. I hope this is uncommon.




  1. it smacks of blackmail. fatimah refers to a race and class war in non-specific terms, a very generalized call to arms. bigotry and narrow-mindedness have no boundaries.  

  2. kinda scary but. Its all bollocks

  3. Let's remember that Obama is also half white.  He never grew up in a Black neighborhood. He grew up in Hawaii (few blacks there in 1960's and 1970's) and Indonesia.

    If anything Obama is from white family in Kansas, but his school friends were multi-racial and multi-cultural.  Isn't that what America is today?

  4. How is it any different then whites threatening race wars if Obama does win.

    And at this point the only way he will lose is if they steal the election again just like they did the last 2 times.

    And besides the majority of people voting for McBush are doing it because thier racists, There is not one other good reason why.

  5. Thats scary

    but not surprising

  6. So? There are whites threatening the same thing. Let's not forget the assissination attempts on Obama, which far outnumber McCain.

    Secondly, this is not "blacks" - it's a journalist. And she's highlighting that 4 more years of Bush, will cripple the plight of African Americans, esp. those of which are in the lower and even middle class, which have been largely effected by inflation and a struggling economy.

    The economy is only getting worse. They don't want the same  - they want change! And yes, I'm sure a MULTITUDE of people believe that change will not come by McCain who support's Bush's policies.

  7. I dont think that its fair to discriminate either way...

    you see, blacks shouldnt threaten whites if someone of their own race doesnt win

    thats like saying whites could threaten race wars if McCain doesnt win...its unfair to discriminate either way...

    For example, it would be unfair to say that women would fight men if a woman did not become president..

    a president shouldnt be chosen based on their race, but because of what their views and beliefs are...

    <3 Jade

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