
What do you think of born citizenship in the USA?

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If you think about it; it makes no sense. As some would say if the cat had kittens in the oven we wouldn't call them biscuits. If I had a baby in Mexico it wouldn't be a Mexican; right. So why is it that if someone comes here illegally and has a baby we call that baby an American? What do you think of that?




  1. Chris Rock says it best in "Never Scared":

    "...And people started screaming

    they was American. A lot of white people scream they American as if they got something to do with the country being the way it is.

    Like they was on the Mayflower or some s**t.

    When you break it down, there ain't even

    that many Americans in this room; contributing Americans.

    Check this out. If you a veteran, if you fought

    in any war for the United States, you are American. God bless all the veterans. Big up to the veterans. I can't say nothing wrong about the veterans. OK? You American.

    Now if you swam here from some sh*ty country that didn't allow you Bubblicious, you too are American cos you overcame obstacles

    and made sacrifices to actually get here.

    You are a true American, OK? You really are. Don't let nobody tell you no different.

    Everybody else, you're just lucky. You're just lucky. All you crazy white people, "I'm American!" All you did was come out of your mother's p**sy on American soil. That's it.

    You think you're better than somebody from France cos you came out of a p**sy in Detroit?"

    ...and by the way, if you have a baby in Mexico, that baby can get Mexican citizenship.  If a baby's mother is Canadian and the baby was born in the United States - the baby automatically has United States citizenship and can claim Canadian citizenship by applying as well. It's just how it works.

  2. Interesting question - I'll give you a star.  I've never really thought about this.  I'm actually baffled with this one.  Why are they considered American if born in this country?  Wow - good question.

  3. because that is what the law says. In your way of thinking no one but Native americans are actually americans.

  4. American is a nationality, not an ethnicity. This is the country of immigrants, shall we shut the door after letting your ancestors in? Who are you to decide who is worthy to be an American?

  5. Actually if you had a child born in MX it would have dual citizenship.      According to US law a child born to US citizens in a foreign country has full US citizenship.

  6. Actually, if u would have a baby here, in Mexico, this baby can have the nationality, and we have persons with double nationality. It is about rights, not about ethnicity. Indeed we have had a senator who born on El Paso, Texas, and another one, Jeffrey Max Jones, who obviously is not son of Mexicans, and those persons who have worked and lived for our country deserve be recognized as citizens.

  7. You are of the country that you grew on. I do not think a baby really have a nationality, since it has no experiences in the country. But a child has. If a child grew in America. He/she is American by heath. Saying otherwise is not only unjust, but naive.

  8. American is a nationality not an ethnicity. It has nothing to do with your parent's legal status or ethnicity. The child born here whether we like it or not is an American and entitled to all the rights that we have. To deny them citizenship is a violation of their American right.

  9. USA colonized itself and mostly finished off the native population.  Otherwise USA will have the same kind of population one finds in mexico and South America.

    America cannot say some one comes there illegally.  Because it is a country of illegal immigrants except the native americans.

    My brother has twins born in America.  They have dual citizenship.  They are more qualified to be called American than your president.  Because they are Indian.  It all started when people in the western world desperately wanted to find a sea route to India and the accidental discovery of America.  So their forefathers in India played a major role in the life story of America.

  10. The answers guy is right. Being American is our nationality. Our ethnic group is where ever our ancestors came from. For example, I'm Irish-American, Norwergian-American, Danish-American,and German-American.

    If somebody comes here and has a baby, the kid is Mexican-American. They are American because they are born in American territory and the law states that these people are granted citizenship.

  11. The baby did not break any U.S. laws by crossing the border, as he/she was born within United States jurisdiction, granted U.S. citizenship by birth according to the 14th Amendment. I have no problems with calling that baby an American (which, I agree, is a nationality and not an ethnicity).

    The parents of that child are granted no more U.S. rights than they had before. They are not citizens, nor should they have any easier time obtaining citizenship. Chain migration policies should be immediately abolished if they haven't been already.

    My mother is a U.S. citizen by naturalization. She is American, but she was born and grew up in China. Yes, if you had a baby in Mexico, I would call it a Mexican with whatever ethnic background the parents had.

  12. I suppose everyone is an immigrant, I'm English but who knows what my ancestors were. I think being a citizen is more about living in and being brought up in that country and culture so I can understand it. And if someone has lived all their life in one country (ie usa) and lives by their rules, puts moeny into the government and basically is completely part of that culture, then I guess they should be that citezan.

    EDIT: As you can see by my avatar my skin and features like my family is not traditional english, I think my grandmother was italian, or latin but I have been wbrought up in england and I am completely english to me, so it's what you feel like inside.

  13. All americans are immigrants, except for the few native americans that survived.

  14. I notice how everyone else conveniently left out the "illegal" portion in their answers. If we stopped illegal immigration, common sense tells you the legal immigration would increase.

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