
What do you think of carrying the name?

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I am SO close to my Grandma and I wanted to name one of my kids after her well her name is Olive Sylvia and for a nickname I will call her Olivia what do you think?




  1. I think Olivia is lovely - it's getting somewhat popular these days, but it has sentimental value to you, so it means more.  I think it's an honour to be named after somebody your parents love and are close to - I was named after my great grandma.

  2. I like the name Olvia a lot. I don't like just Olive though because of the food.

  3. if you'll call her olivia that is really cute and it's sweet you want to name her after your grandma

    congratulations and hope it helps!  

  4. Beautiful

  5. That is pretty, but how is Olivia a nickname for Olive, whe  you will need a nickname for Olivia anyway.  What about Liv or Livvy for a nickname instead?  or you could name her Sylvia Olive so people don't confuse your grandma and your baby.

  6. Olivia---and call her Olive

    or you can name the first name Sylvia and the middle name Olive.

  7. I love that!!!! Congrats!

  8. It's very pretty, though I think "Liv" or "Livie" would be a cute nickname as well.  Olivia is really climbing in popularity (ranked number 7 for the past 2 years), but Olive is still fairly uncommon (2007 was the first time it ranked in the top 1000 in at least 18 years-it was number 999)!  I also think it's very important to give your children names with sentimental value, rather than just picking something from a baby name book.

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