
What do you think of children who "talk back"?

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I hate it with a passion! It seems that a lot children in this day and age have lost respect for figures of authority- like their parents, teachers, etc.




  1. I'm with you on this issue! Most of all... I want to give the parents a lecture on proper behaviour! But most likely it will fall on deaf ears!

  2. Great question! This is a majorly controversial a parent, I teach my daughter manners and respect. More often than not, this does not involve violence or spanking. Luckily for me as well as her, I've been pretty calm and find it easy to reprimand and/or correct my daughter. I feel for some parents tho, because I have a friend whose son threatens to call the cops on her if she spanks him. He HAS done it before and she was forced to go through classes and almost lost custody of him. Now it's his ammunition. Child welfare needs to back off and allow parents room for punishment. Dont get me wrong, there is a fine line that some parents cross called abuse. These are pretty obvious tho, when a child is being starved or literally black and blue from constant beatings. The problem I believe is that parents are sometimes afraid because the children are using the police, DCFS as their own personal weapon. Secondly, that parents are so much less INVOLVED in their childrens lives that they don't realize what the children are doing.

    A great solution would be education. Etiquette and manners classes for a start.

  3. I like the way I was raised.  If I misbehaved, I was paddled and my parents called....I had another one coming when I got home....not for what I did wrong, that was taken care of...I was spanked for the embarrassment I created.

    Another a small child, I became a pure pain in K-Mart for a toy I wanted and threw a fit.....well, since I was showing my butt in public, my Mother assisted me....dropped them pants and spanked that butt.....I never showed my butt in public again after that, real or figuratively.

    Some things work and shouldn't be messed with.  Take away tools, you take away ability.  Minimum wage parents are not PhD trained or MD child psychologists, and shouldn't have to be.

    But, I guess they have to be now, because we can't even tell a child "no" without giving them an "inferiority complex"?

    P.S.  If I ran any type of child care or school, and the children did not respect authority, I would report it to the parents.  If they did not allow me the authority to deal with it or refuse to deal with it, I have too many other children who do not need to be exposed to those brats.  Take them somewhere else until you decide to become "parents" or decide to raise your children in an acceptable manner to society.

  4. I agree that it is frustrating. But with the way things are today, some parents would rather not discipline, than to be "reported" to the authorities. Abuse is rampant, and then there are parents who don't do anything.... I think it is hard to find a proper balance.

  5. I hate children who talk back! If they talk back to an adult they deserve a smack in the mouth! I agree, kids have lost respect for their elders. Then again, it's part the parents fault because of the way they are raising the kids.

  6. i dont like it myself but the public says that they do not wish for the schools to punish their kids and that is a major part of the problem. the parents dont want to do it but they dont want anyone else to do it either

  7. I think a child is gonna do what you let him or her do....they are going to push the limits further and further and if we as parents don't draw a line and enforce rules  they are going to do a lot more than coss at you and teachers!! This is why we have kids killing kids and taking guns and knives to school! Parents are not raising thier kids t.v. and video games are rasing the kids while the parents are off at the local bar or the dope dealers house!!! We need to stand up and take charge. They are not our friends they are our children they look for us for guidance!

  8. I think it has gotten to be a serious matter that needs to be corrected and not left to continue.  It shows a serious lack of respect.  When I was that age and still older, the taste would have been slapped from my mouth for so doing.  I understand where you are coming from thinking that way.  Too many of today's parents are not teaching their children to respect authority figures in their lives.  It has become a terrible epidemic and it is a terrific shame.

  9. As my dad used to say, they make the back of my hand itch.  Slap.

  10. I agree with you. Today parents are more interested in being friends with their kids instead of parents. Children will make many friends but they only have one mother and one father.

    Children need to be disciplined and corrected of improper behavior. I also baby sit four children daily. I just got a new little girl and she was tough for a few weeks but now shw knows what i say goes. It is a shame that kids are not tought to be respectful. I am proud to say that when my girls talk back they get reminded who is in controll. Face it we need to get controll now or forget it when they are teens then what???

    Best of luck to you I hope you find a way to correct this horrible behavior!!

  11. well honestly shes promoting that behavior if she is laughing at them while they do it. she is sending the message that its ok to do it..  my son does it but he also gets disciplined for it. he has adhd and oddso itry not to be too hard on him because he is very impulsive but i let him know that thats not polite and I didnt raise him that way and I expect better of him.

  12. My kids talk back at me and i send them to time out. It is about respect. They need to show it as I show it to them. I can't stand it either

  13. I hate it. They need to treat those in authority with respect.

  14. I do not believe kids should talk back to there parents, only on certain occasions.

    Now when children are talking back to their parents and their parents are saying the truth the children should shut their trap because they are talking to just talk.

    Now when the parents are literally being unfair then children in a nice orderly manner should ask their parents if they can get in their own point of view before they take the conversation any farther than that.

    I'm not implying to talk back to your parents but what I am saying is if you can back yourself up in a nice calmly manner you may be able to convince them without making them angry and getting yourself into trouble.

  15. To go back up a few answers, it's not necessarily about thinking it is cute or funny.  It's a society issue.  25 years ago DSS was for finding foster kids homes.  Now, DSS is for taking kids out of homes.  The decline of Western Civilization can be attributed to the fact that it is nearly illegal to physically discipline your children (perhaps not that extreme, but hey).  Think about all the differences.  It's not safe to trick or treat anymore, school violence, etc.  All because society now says that it is not ok to "hit" your kids.  

    I will be the first to admit, when my children are disrespectful in any way, they are popped, but no where near as hard as I got smacked when I was a kid.

    In my opinion, it is a lack of discipline that leads to disrespect, now this ultimately boils down to a parental choice that unfortunately too many parents are either too scared or just too lazy to make.

  16. I agree that it is absolutely disgusting. What is even worse is how the parents allow it and think it is funny! When my preschool children begin school, I am appalled by the disrespectful way that they speak to me. But after a few weeks, the parents are shocked by the polite way that they speak to me! They just need some good training in manners.

  17. I am now 25 and my father was married again and now has 2 more little girls, 3 and 5. I remember knowing better even at a young age to talk back or be rude. My 5 year old sister was trying on new sneakers that I bought her and said to me "What are you looking at?" and gave me a dirty look. I asked her who she thought she was and all my father did was laugh! Times have changed and I think parents are losing control due to the fact that they think its cute or funny... whatever it is... I'm far from impressed. If she was my little girl she would have gotten at least a time out.

  18. I'm with you.  Alot of parents tolerate this behavior, I'm not one of them my sons know better.  If they ever became disrespectful to me or another adult they would have to pick their faces off the ground.

  19. I think that it is their parents who are at fault. I know things have changed in the last 30 years, but respect for others is one thing that children still need to have, and it is the responsibility of their parents to teach that.

  20. that they are acting just like their parents...........parents are the role models.................hello

  21. i'm with you on that, i do not tolerate rudeness, disrespect, talk backs what so ever at all, my kids knows better they'll never try that c**p with me.According to my 11yr old he says to me all the time that i am a strict mom, so i know that i am doing something right when he sees me as that.I wouldn't want it any other way.

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