
What do you think of dale jr and "junior nation"?

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What do you think of dale jr and "junior nation"?




  1. He's a great driver imo and he's my 2nd favorite ( next only to 1. Clint Bowyer )! As for Jr. Nation, i'm a big Dale Jr. fan, so i'm basically a member of Jr. Nation!

  2. Good and Bad as with any driver and fan base..

    but hey hun..that is a box of never know what ya gonna get"..

    Huck..what the heck you rambling on talking out both sides of mouth and making no sense at all, you on medication or forgot to take

  3. Dale Jr- ok

    jr nation - the worst, most classless fans ever to cheer on a race car driver

  4. Huck sure does put a lot of energy, time, and effort into hating Jr and his fans.

    JR is the man and Jr Nation, like all other fan bases, have good apples and it's fair share of bad ones.  

    Religious groups are supposed to be about peace and love and all that stuff, but look at all the blood shed in the name of religion.  Loyal, passionate fans/followers = good.  Fanatics = bad.

  5. I respect Dale Junior as a driver.. a great person off the track. Ok, so he has his fathers' fans. So what? It's his son *slaps forehead*.

    So there are some rotten apples in the bunch. It doesn't mean you have to hate the man.

  6. Jrs ok.   As far as "the Nation" there are some good peeps and silly ones just like fans of any other driver.  Theres good ones around here as well.

  7. Dake Junior is my favorite driver

    As for his fan base Junior Nation  there are some good ones and bad ones.  SOme get out of hand I admit. Not every one is perfect.

  8. Yeah, jr, sucks! The one and only win in over 70 races was because his crew chief kept him out on the track instead of pitting. So he didnt actually even win that race, his crew did.

    He wrecks other drivers and gets away with it, but wreck him and you would get penalized. He has the best of everything and all the support in the world and still cannot win. Hearing about him even when he is in 26th place is getting old, there are much better drivers on the circuit.

    All you jr. fans are a bunch of losers.

  9. I have no problems with Jr. himself.  In fact, I like him, although he's not one of my favorite drivers.

    Jr. Nation is a different story.  I find many of his fans to be obnoxious (sorry, but it's the truth).  Not all of them are like that, and all the good drivers have fans like that, but Jr. fans are generally the worst.

  10. Now let me start off by saying, I am not a Kyle Busch fan, nor am I using this forum to advance any agendas of Kyle Busch or his fans. I am using this forum to point out one obvious thing…that Jr. Still Sucks. I had hoped that once Budweiser moved on that the Jr. fans would sober up and see the err in their ways. Apparently, however, all of the caffeine their Mountain Dew has left all of these poor souls in their altered state of reality and they continue to support a losing cause. The Jr. Nation (God I hate that name) is willing to give us all a bunch of bone headed reasons telling us why they are Jr. fans. I would like to ask you to take a minute of your time and invite you to read my case analysis discounting the top reasons given as to why one is a Jr. fan.

    • Jr. Fans – “In today’s NASCAR where corporations rule the land and driver’s personalities are watered down to create a squeaky clean image, Jr. is still himself and still has a personality.”

    My Response – Sure, I’ll agree with you…if your definition of personality is staring at the ground and mumbling out a bunch of made up words. If this is your reason to be a Jr. fan, then you must be an even bigger fan of Kyle Busch. Again, I am not a Kyle Busch fan, but when it comes to showing unfiltered personality, he is the current king. He will tell you how it is, even going as far as wiping the tears of the “Jr. Nation” and flipping off the entire 88 crew (priceless by the way). So unless you have a number 18 tattoo next to that 8 that was hastily turned into an 88, you can’t claim that your reason to like Jr. is personality.

    • Jr. Fans – “Dale Jr. is the best driver in the sport today!”

    My Response – Hold on there cowboy, let’s not jump to conclusions. I must first ask you, when was the last time he won a race without fuel mileage determining the outcome. (Insert your answer here) assuming you were honest in your answer that sure is a long winless streak for “the best driver out there”. Now I ask you, how many Cup championships has he won? Last time I checked, a man with no hands could count them on his fingers. Sure, he’s won a couple of Busch championships, which I will commend him for (or at least his deep pocketed team at the time), but so have Randy LaJoie and Johnny Benson. Now I don’t mean to discount from Randy or Johnny, they are both very good drivers, but I would hardly classify them as the best.

    • Jr. Fans – “He is voted year in and year out as NASCAR’s most popular driver.”

    My Response – This is true, of course NASCAR’s most popular driver contest is a popularity contest that has had its neutrality questioned for years. For those Jr. fans out there, let me simplify that for you, it is rigged. Suspicions of there being a winner in this contest before the voting has even begun have been around for years. For instance, how many years in a row did Bill Elliott win the most popular driver award. Now, Bill had and still has many fans, and he is a great driver, but did he really have more fans than Dale Earnhardt, Richard Petty, or Rusty Wallace every one of those years? The fact is, NASCAR, as well as the sponsors have a lot of vested interest in having Dale Jr. be the “most popular driver”. Statistics show, the “Jr. Nation” (that still makes me cringe) is the most impressionable audience in NASCAR, and that they are the most likely to only buy a product because that company supports Dale Jr. (I swear if Jr. drove his car off a cliff the entire Jr. Nation would follow. Of course then I could probably enjoy going to a NASCAR race again and the TV commentators might give some time to the other 42 cars out there). When it comes to the most popular driver contest…money talks.

    • Jr. Fans – “Dale Jr. is hot!”

    My Response – Are we talking about the same person?

    • Jr. Fans – “Jr. drives just like his daddy did and his daddy was the best ever!”

    My Response – There are only two things that tie together Dale Jr.’s with his father at the race track: number one, the last name on the roof rail, number two, his uncanny ability to wreck every other car on the track. Jr. is not, never was, and never will be his father. If this is going to be your reason to be a Jr. fan, then you must certainly be just as big a fan of Kyle Petty. I mean, both have legendary fathers, they have both enjoyed similar levels of success, and they have both battled through family tragedies that have occurred. Why is it then that Kyle Petty doesn’t have lines at his souvenir trailers (does he even have any souvenir trailers any more)? Because this is just another lame excuse for people to make an irrational decision of becoming a Jr. fan.

    Now I understand that not all Jr. fans are going to open their eyes, and I will admit that there are some legitimate reasons to like Jr. Such as, “I used to watch him race late models at the local track” or “he is my g*y lover”. That being said, I think that it should be pretty obvious that the Jr. Nation is backing a loser. Much like the Vietnam war, this is a battle that just can’t be won by the Jr. Nation. I think it’s time that Jr. fans open their eyes to the fact that Jr. Still Sucks, and exercise their right as an American to say no more. Jr. fans, you are smart people (just confused), it’s time you back another driver who is worthy and appreciative of having you as a fan. I now invite you to stand beside me and aid me in spreading the word to the land…JR. STILL SUCKS!

  11. Well Dale Jr is a great driver and a really cool guy . I know some of is fans do some bad things but that shouldn't reflect on Jr or his other fans.

  12. I love Dale Jr and Jr Nation. You do have to admit that we definitely are an enthusiastic bunch!

  13. Jr.- not a fan, but I don't dislike the guy

    Jr. Nation- some good, some bad, the good out weigh the bad, but the bad bring the good down with them.

  14. JR- A whiny drunk partyboy who opens bars and cusses all the time. Horrible role model who tries to play the shy southern boy mentality but is just as hollywood as Jimmy and Jeff and is milking money from everyone of his overzelous fans.

    JR NATION- look at the dictionary under HYPOCRITES, DRUNKS, and CRYBABIES

  15. the same way i did the last twenty times this question - or a variant of it - has been posted. no offense dude, but there's a search bar at the top there and i guarantee that put putting the right magic words in it, you'll find handfuls of questions and answers about this topic within the past month or so alone.

  16. I dont like Junior.

    So junior nation.. isnt my cup of tea.

    He races dirty. && cheats. && whines.

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