
What do you think of democrats bringing forth legislation that threatens patients' rights?

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S-1555 is in committee now. It is about allowing doctors and nurses to practice without having to tell patients' about their options regarding reproduction such as contraception and abortion. Doctors and nurses can just forget about these options because it is against their beliefs. Is this acceptable to you?




  1. they're putting in foot baths and religious centers for muslims in airports because of religious values.why violate a doctor or nurses religion?

  2. Why should a Doctor be FORCED to tell someone anything regarding this issue?? If a patient asked a doctor about birth control options I am sure that they would offer them options but they should not be FORCED to offer them options

  3. A patients rights should be just that about the patient and only the patient first and foremost. I agree with you. Pharmacists should have no authority to dispense medical advice except under the warranty of a license physician, my God they have a lousy four year degree and thats for administrating meds. If we go by their logic then a four year degree in Art gives you the right to censorship of Art.

  4. I think that Doctors and Nurses should not be discriminated against because of their personal moral or religious beliefs. Women needing these services can get them elsewhere if their physician denies them. I am a C.N.A. and I certainly would not like to be denied a job I am qualified for because of my personal beliefs.  

  5. This is no different than a law recently passed that allows pharmacists to refuse to fill a birth control order and not tell the patient where to go to get it filled because it's against their beliefs.

    Of course, you may very well be looking at this bill and immediately going right to the worst case scenario where doctors (not nurses - nurses have no power over treatment and options) leave the patients out of the decision making process.

    There are already plenty of situations where doctors (and by extension the support staff) can do things to a patient without the patient's consent. Namely when the patient is unable to make a logical and rational decision for themselves.

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