
What do you think of eco hippies?

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especially when they start forcing their beliefs and way of life down others throats and act like everyone else is wrong and only they can be right?




  1. I think they have the right idea but some take things to far like the previous poster said I think we should recycle and find cleaner  energy sources since it only makes sense both environmentaly and economically but moderation is the key in almost anything.

  2. tiresome at best, easy to ignore though.

  3. You know what really gets me... You got all these people saying the groups who belong on the right side of politics are lifestyle are nothing but preachy. Like your bible pushers or your typical conservative person like myself. But yet when I see these left wing groups like PETA, and Green peace going around harassing people, and in some cases resorting to violence when spewing there beliefs. So in reality why is it only right wing people that are preachy? You have PETA members throwing paint on people who wear fur, Green peace groups throwing objects, jumping on fisher mans boats, trashing them. Am I the only one who sees something wrong with that? I'm not saying all left wing groups are like that, but you do see quite a bit of them resorting in such matters.

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