
What do you think of female scorpios?

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So I'm a scorpio and I sometimes like reading about horoscopes!

I'm very proud that I'm a REAL scorpio, while my friends think they're not really the best people lol

Honestly, I'm sick of my jealousy and I can't help it!

I really get jealous of the silliest things, it's not that I hate, it's just that i'm really tired of it.. Another thing is I'm really stubborn! I'll do whatever I want whenever I want it to be done and I wouldn't really care of what people think!

I'm also not a very forgiven person, I may forgive in very rare cases but usually I'll get revenge and I wouldn't care of the consequences or if someone will get hurt! The most important is that I do what makes me feel better! I'm also very confident and some people calimed that I'm arrogant?!! (well, I don't think I am) People also told me that I'm mysterious!

Anyway, I wanna know if there are other things in female scoripos?

What do you like and what don't you like about them?




  1. What you described above is a typical scorpio...yes they are jealous and unforgiving...but those traits can be learned to avoid. When you are jealous try thinking of your positive side and think of what You have that others dont. Scorpios are generally not mean people they just have a little overdose on some emotions. I have many scorpio friends and i find they need time... the key word agian is TIME to get over these things. as far as forgivness if you cant forgive inside yourself at least tell the person you are forgiving that you forgive them or else thay might feel u r mean. Then in time you will find that you will be able to forgive them. GL

  2. Well, basing it off the females scorpios I know, they don't seem to be jealous or vengeful.  Maybe they hide it very well.  Your friends think scorpios not the best people?  I guess it depends if your displaying the negative side of scorpio to them through you.  You can probably work on your jealousy by keeping in mind that the other person may be jealous of you over something that you may not even be aware of.  Jealousy is something every person in the zodiac I think struggles with.  Some more than others probably.  As far as your stubborness, maybe you can control that by being a little more self-sacrificing and putting your passion and intensity towards the other person a little more than on yourself.  These are just ideas.  As far as forgiving, well, just think, wouldn't you like it if someone forgave you easily.  Remember, karma....  Someone may not forgive you when you really need them to.  There is a huge difference between being confident and arrogant.  An arrogant person is one that is making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; overbearingly assuming.  Being confident is having strong belief or full assurance; sure of oneself; having no uncertainty about one's own abilities, correctness, successfulness, excessively bold; presumptuous.  Maybe your a bit to bold for your friends or presumptous.  Those are things you can always work on without losing your self-confidence.

    lol this response turn out to be longer than what I thought!

  3. hi,this too long, i am not answering that , and i am  scorpio too.

  4. Sometimes there's a difference between what we want and what we need. Scorpio is a very complex energy and very powerful, no questions there. However, at a very deep level, Scorpio is about letting go and sharing power. It's about being able to face change and being able to walk away from negative attitudes that can deaden your great thirst for life. I don't believe you will spend your energy trying to even a score or even that you really enjoy it when the tables are turned in your favor. Eventually you will tire of all of that. In your deepest heart you are lovable and are capable of great love as well.

  5. I think that other Scorpio girls are very passionate and have a deep/strong emotional aura to them (rather it be in person, pictures or on television) they radiated so strongly. ppl say they are hard to read- but i dont think so- but that's probably bc im a scorpio myself... i can read ppl, not just other scorpios.

    i do have a contradictionary personality. hey case by case basis...

    i myself am not v jealous i think it's silly when i see other ppl get jealous. i can be v possessive though at times i hate that! but i am starting to accept that... it is who i am. im not stubborn but im headstrong and definitely do what i want when i want!! ALL THE TIME! it's easy for me to forgive someone bc once again i can read someone, so i read into their real intentions and i dont hold things inside too long. i do get revenge by exploiting ppls weaknesses all the time. i can really grab ppls goats and make them loose their mind, but i dont care bc they deserve it for trying to manipulate me. they usually stay mad at me and i go on w life and the next day im all like "hi!" like nothing happened (i know that i taught them a lesson) and their just like "i hate you" but they pretend their not mad at me anymore- but that respect is there and in time they change and see that i was right in the long run. i am v arrogant bc i am always asking questions and acheiving (it's v easy for me to get my way) so after so much acheivement i cant help to feel so awesome and proud of myself! humbleness? ha w/e! i'll never be humble!! if you dont like it then TOO BAD!! id rather die... BUT I am v fair. if you are straight forward w me and definitely generous!! i can definitely be the supporter and put myself second... but i have to trust you first. i follow no one blindly. as a matter of fact!! if i love you ie friends, family then i will always stand behind you- their exceptions. i love my friends and family more than myself! but other ppl? i definitely do care but i wont be walked over- ill just be fair. so im agressive, passionate, energetic, logical, psychological, flamboyant, loud, social and ambitious oh and also v loving/ affectionate and understanding all the time. oh you dont have to earn my trust either first! i can usually tell as soon as i meet a person how nice i should be to them. but ill do anything for anyone even if i dont know them well, if my intuition tells me it's okay. i also like listening. i rarely give any info about myself... i keep my problems to myself (im my own counsel). i never ask for emotional/advice support (idk why) but i just started. i just never realized it.

    i personally havent had too many close girl scorpio friends. i would love some though! i have had way too many scorpio guy friends. but this posting isnt about them!

  6. hot s**y but no good marriage parners pl be brief  better grasp and more answers

  7. I don't know why but I like to get them mad.

  8. You sound JUST like me!! I'm on cusp, Libra/Scorpio, but I've always considered myself a Scorpio, for my personality possesses more Scorpion traits..Anyway, Scorpios are also very powerful, secretive and passionate ...Besides, they tend to be serious and they have a great ability to read people's minds! They have very few friends and one or two best friends ..Once you are someone they love, you will be loved by them for good ( unless you hurt them, lie or shake the TRUST between you two) then everything wont be the same anymore, no matter what! because they are extremely loyal and they'll be by your side WHATEVER happens!

    That's all I can say right now...I might add other things later =)

  9. well im a scoripo and everyone always tells me in a leader and how i hate to follow the rules.I HATE unoriginality, if someone trys to walk all over me ill bite back.Im not really sure how people think of me, but then again i dont care unless i like you back.Im VERY loyal, caring, and if i love someone id do anything for them.when im upset or sad, ill talk to maybe one person who i trust the most ( my mom ) or ill just figure things out myself, because i find people i know dont care or dont give good advice lol.. thats probly bad to think tho.

    just a bit about me :)

  10. ok gurl... let me set the record straight... ure stubborn, ure lustful, u tend to get extrremely attracted to the opposite s*x. ure also attracted to a man with a lot of money , power etc. ... ure also unforgiving .. when ure angry u go on the offensive..u become abusive and blurt out everything without thinking. you are also a big show off and like to flaunt ur wealth

  11. They are very attractive.

  12. HAWT! I swear, the moment you make eye contact with them you won't be able to move. Not because they can paralyze you but because you're much too entranced to do anything else but stare back... O_O

    What I don't like about them? They way they look at us poor Pisces boys like prey!

  13. I'm just like you!

    Except, I don't get revenge, and a little more laid back. A Scorpio is considered highly passionate, imaginative, determined, persevering, inflexible and self-confident. Scorpio is a water sign. The eighth sign from the zodiac is Scorpio, and in Mythology, associated with Hades.

    According to Wikipedia, Scorpios are: Loving, intense, powerful, determined, emotional, sensitive, calm, secretive, reserved, withdrawn, loyal, ambitious, extreme, willful, mysterious, magnetic,deeply resentful,brooding or potentially destructive, cunning, outspoken, can be unforgiving, and last but not least sexual.

    Our compatibilities are Pisces and Cancer.

    I hope you got all the info you needed.

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