
What do you think of filipinos here in UAE? part 2?

by  |  earlier

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im a filipino too. i would just like to know what do people have in their minds when they see filipinos, some says filipinos are good,some are bad. i felt hurt when some people discrminate us, i cannot blame them coz of some filipinos here are such stupid, but not all are bad... coz some people when they point out such a bad thing to filipinos here in UAE, they are saying ALL of them.. it sucks! sometimes whenever somebody ask me my nationality,im ashamed to tell that im a filipino.. coz of the bad traits that filipinos that had been marking here in UAE.. i hope,there were still some people who likes filipinos..




  1. hi

    for my point of view, the most of them are working in customer service but they never smile only few of them and honestly when i meet a filipana smiling while she is doing her job i thank her

    most of my staf working in my area are filipinas and also they never smile, never say thank you when u help them or give them whatever tehy ask for..may be it is in there cultures  

  2. i dont say that i hate all fillipinos but i've seen that some phillipinos are :

    1. even if they meat for the first time they'll react like old friends.

    2. I use to go by bus sometimes when ever i see some philipinos sitting together they talk a lot, a lot and a lot, and that too in a louder voice which really disturbs all, laughing and talking in a louder voice.

    3. if someone is alighting at a bus stop and people are standing in the bus he will never give the seat to other national's person, he'll give his seat to only a philipino, even they can adjust 3 in 2 seats but not with other nationalities.

    but being a human i cant say all are bad, but if someone face problem then people will include all this is natural. :))

    but i've seen good people as well, very friendly, hard working and polite, we have one phillipino lady in our staff she is also very nice in nature and good behaviour.

  3. you have too much g**s!!!

  4. 1. Discrimination - This is not because of a perception that you are good or bad but a general phenomenon. Historically, those from the west are considered superior and it takes a tremendous leap in the mindset of people to treat everyone as equal. The professional discrimination is however here to stay and we (asian expats) need to take it in our stride.

    2. National pride - Someone else's opinion need not influence your sense of national pride and inject a sense of shame for the simple fact that you are from a particular country. This is a self-inflicted wound and you need to get over this. I carry myself with a lot of pride and have never felt bad about my nationality

    3. My perception - I think they are wonderful people overall. Mostly mild natured, friendly, good driving ethics, hard working and sincere, polite to interact with and great fun at parties.

    I know a lady (my student) who came here as a receptionist, wisely set aside an amount for her training, built her career with a lot of patience and is now a manager in a multinational bank. She is one of the most graceful persons I have ever come across.

    Bottom line - Be yourself. Never let someone intimidate you or damage your confidence. Be proud without being arrogant.  

  5. based on your avatar name and your question, it sounded like you were from uae and not filipino.  so i was scared you were going to kill filipinos or something.

    don't stress drama, but if other filipinos are making you feel bad than teach  them how it impacts others.  that's what somebody should have done here in us for another culture.  oh well.  it would make a difference. i have faith.

  6. Well, never heard that.

    NEver be ashamed of your ethinitcity.

    Sorry if I spelt that wrong

  7. OK... I've got your point.

    I can not blame you for feeling the way you have stated as part of being human is to err. Generalizing is not really my cup of tea and who else to blame about the present flight of the Philippinos but the Philippinos themselves.

    As an example, you just mentioned that some Philippinos in the UAE are stupid.... but being stupid really depends on the person who thinks about that other person. His/her educational attainment and level of understanding could be higher that those who are uneducated and socially deprived - but that does not mean the other person is stupid.

    Philippinos are culturally, emotionally and spritually have very strong roots. But some people think that those Philippinas or Philippinos who forget these roots and ready to forsake everything just for the sake of LOVE are the one stupid. A lot of Philippinos are being disowned by their own very Philippino families just for turning their backs on these roots. For them these people are stupid... for the person.... this is a sacrifice and in the name of LOVE.

    Philippinos are great people. Philippinos are multi-talented and dependable but the moment this crab mentality sets in (specially in the UAE) ... then it's another story.

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