They are the young and blooming...but it seems they lack something...this myspace&youtube generation lack in understanding of human relationship, they appear concerned with bigger problem of humankind but lack sympathy and respect in simple interaction...I believe moral cascade over time, but I can't believe either that (gen-y) are so cold toward each other...and the aggresion based on online and media is double/trippled the violence...I didn't do research but I stake the puzzle every piece of human interaction that I've got from this generation (85-93) It seems blood and gore are humor, taboo and controversy are regular entertainment...and they dont have value, moral, politeness, dicipline and structure like we've seen from older generation..I've many extreme anti-social behavior especialy from the young tweens...
Oh, and that's not include drugs, smoke, weed, booze and other toxic depressant stimulation...they also have a f**** brain!
huh, I haven't heard a meaningful lovesong