
What do you think of giving speeches in physics class?

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I am a new teacher and I'd like to give the kids experience talking in front of the class. Any ideas or tips?




  1. Don't assume the kids will know how to speak in front of the class.  And, realize some will not want to do it, but if it is a requirement of your class, there is no argument.  However, know that some will be "absent" on the day of their speech, so my advice is to make it a several step process with the speech being worth the most points.

    Give them an outline of what you expect them to say (introduction, purpose of their speech, the body of the speech, the conclusion that reiterates what they should have learned).  If it is a speech in which they have to conduct research give them several steps due at different times;   note-cards on the research, outline of the speech, etc. Give them a grade for each step (this way people who do the work - but don't speak - don't completely skew their grade).  Also, you could have them write a 1-2 page  research paper about the topic first, then have them create the speech based on the paper.  Have them create not-cards for the speech as well (these can be graded before, and after the speech).

    Oh, and you can't have the rest of the class just sitting, and or heckling, while their classmates are giving the speeches.  Have the "audience" take notes.  In fact, as part of the assignment have each student write 2-3 quiz questions (not true or false) on their speech topic.  Then select one question from each student and give an open note quiz at the end of all the speeches.  This way everyone is involved, and no one goofs off during anyone's speech.

    I hope you find these ideas useful and helpful to develop your own activity.  Bottom line, I think it is a great idea.  The skill of public speaking is a difficult one for many students but, it is an important skill, and it is one that can be taught in any class.  Good luck!

  2. Almost every topic in physics is associated with a famous physicist. It is always better to put physics in perspective. It helps students appreciate the contribution made at a certain period in history. So u can have the students pick out their favorite scientist and explain his contributions to physics. Maybe instead of Britney Spears, Isaac Newton will be their new idol.

  3. I guess it's better than having a physic in speech class.  (Ask your mom what a physic is.)

  4. Anytime a student does his own research and compiling of information, he/she should learn something. Presenting that material would also be educational.  I don't think your focus, however, should be about getting kids to talk in front of a class.  Your being paid to teach physics no social skills.

  5. Best thing I saw for a physics class, I student taught at this school that was top of the line, and the teacher got film equipment for the students and they made commercials about physics.  

    One group made a "Cops" show, where this kid gets pulled over for violating the "kinetic energy" limit in his car.  Then this moped goes past them at like 60 mph, and the cop and the kid start arguing about it.  Then the cop gets a call for a domestic disturbance where this old man is complaining about his wife making him do too much work so they get in a fight.  But when the cop shows up he starts explaining to the man that moving a bucket to the backyard isn't work because the directions of the force and motion are perpendicular.  

    For my AP chem class next year I'm going to try at the beginning of class putting up a vocabulary word or chemistry scenario, and then selecting a random student to stand up and talk about it for 60 seconds.  I think it's a good idea, could be difficult for some, but they'll all have to do it and I'll keep the situations not that complicated at the beginning until I know they can do it.  

  6. Go for it, BUT don't base your grade on the speech aspects, just the content that was supposed to be covered! This is not speech class! But I am all for integrating the curriculum!

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