
What do you think of grave robbery/resurrectionism? ?

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I'm mostly thinking of the 1800s, when resurrectionists would grab dead bodies for anatomists - and anatomists were considered to be Devil incarnates.

(If you want an interesting, funny, yet scientific read about life after death - read "Stiff: the Curious Lives of Human Cadavers" by Mary Roach)




  1. I'm all for it!  Can we go tonight?

    A lot of good came out of it - a lot of crucial medical knowledge.  And I'm not reverent about this little casing we travel around in.  So I have to admit I'm glad it happened (except for the people who were murdered).  Of course it was wrong, and the ends never justify the means, so I can't let myself endorse it.  But there is a small, wicked part of my brain that rejoices.

    I'll check out that book - thanks!

  2. I guess it was a necessary evil at the time but you sure wouldn't want it to be your beloved relative, would you?  Seems totally unnecessary today with people donating their bodies to science.  I've never heard it called resurrectionism though.  Sounds like a religion or a theory.  Oh and if anyone who's not in the medical field gets a hankering to look at a dead body, go see a Bodyworlds exhibit.

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