
What do you think of hamster harnesses?

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My hamster already has a ball so please don't recommend that.

I want to know if you think they are safe or not.

Don't criticize me either please because I just want your opinion. =]

So do you think I should buy one or not?

My hamster is a fat hamster, that already goes in his ball, 2 times a day for about 10 minutes each time.

He is spoiled. So I want to know if I should get him a harness and leash so I can let him explore outside.

Thank you.




  1. I think thats wrong and and very silly! You never should take them outside unless their in their ball and not ono a busy street! A bird could swoop down and take him. And that would be very heartbreaking! Dont do it!

  2. No, you shouldn't do give him a leash. Those are for dogs.

  3. I think that is just a waste of money.  Dogs are supposed to be walked, not hamsters.  I once knew a little girl who wanted her guinea pig to act like a dog so she bought it but the poor guinea pig just wanted to get it off!!!  Don't get it if you want to keep your hamster because they do come off because rodent bodies are not shaped for harnesses. Guinea pigs are not fast so the little girl's guinea pig didn't go anywhere, but hamsters really can run.  And if you don't like my answer, let me ask-

    Have you ever seen a hamster getting walked?

    Sorry, but it's not a good idea.  Hope I helped!

  4. ok wow i justlooked them up and there really awsome i dident know they ade such a thing thanks for posting this question or i would have never guessed they made them i think you schould get one for your pet hamster i have 15 hamsters and im gonna buy one for each one..GOOD LUCK THANKS AGIAN!

  5. I think those things are sick. hamsters are NOT meant to be on a leash and walked outside. imagine the pain that could occur if it was pulled too tight? alot of damage could be done.

    also, imagine the stress caused to the hamster of having a harness fitted onto him. he would feel very uncomfortable and not know what to do.

    I think you just need to stick with the ball, wheel, and maybe cut back on sweets and food a bit.

    if you want him to go outside, you can buy a little pin, and place him in it. just watch because they can escape from it.

  6. They're a silly idea, you should never take a small animal like a hamster outside.

    I've seen them, but where I work- in a pet shop- doesn't sell them, thank god.

    If you take a rodent as small as that outside, you're asking for trouble. They can catch wild animal diseases, escape and slip the harness and run off, get hurt, get sick from pollen, get too hot, get too cold...

    Install a wheel in the cage, stop feeding treats for a bit, and up the ball to twenty times, twice a day.

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