
What do you think of hay cubes?

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I was looking at ordering a bag of hay cubes, mainly for the fact they help flush the horses system of sand. Does anyone use them? Are they worth it?

If I wanted to use them just as a sand colic prevention for 1 week a month, would that be ok?





  1. ya there just like hay... but when they it them they expand in there stomach.... its preaty much like a bale of hay but not so much hay... VERY useful!

  2. I have never heard of the hay cubes preventing sand colic.  I have however used the hay cubes and they are very good for travelling.  One bag of cubes they say equals three bales of hay.  The do not take up the room of the bales of hay in the trailer.  I soak my cubes before the horse sees them, that way you are allowing for the expansion when the cubes get wet.  I do not have to deal with sand colic where I live so I really can't give you any advice on that.  

  3. there is something you can get for sand colic.. not sure what it is but it turns it into like a paste..?  

    hay cubes are good $ wise but i dont know wheteher they would help for colic..  

  4. Well its just hay in cube form really. If you look up in a few magazines or even online there's a supplement, i cant think of what its called. But you mix it in with the horses feed and its guaranteed, well its main purpose is to flush all the sand out of your horses system. It sucks up the sand left in the stomach that won't digest. It turns into like a goo kind of thing once digested. You should defiantly try that out instead.  

  5. Hay cubes don't prevent sand colic. I feed them to my horses instead of grain to go along with their regular hay. There is stuff out there that is specifically made to use for the prevention of sand colic. It's called Sand Clear.

    So no...I don't think it would be worth it. Here is the link for sand clear and it's cheaper than a bag of hay least where I live it is.

    Edit...also, I looked at the second link you provided...that's someone trying to sell something on Ebay...they'll say anything to sell stuff.

    Edit...I would have to talk to my vet personally before I bought a product that doesn't look like it has had any testing to prove what they are saying. But shoot...Like BB said, there are so many other cheaper alternatives that actually work.

    Good luck to you. =)

  6. My neighbor feeds them to her baby rabbits and they really like them! I never knew that they flush the horses system of sand. Sounds like a good product.

  7. I like hay cubes...

    But I only use them for feed to help cut down on my hay consumption.  Interesting...I hadn't heard of using ones that are specifically made with psyllium for cleaning sand out of the horse.

    I use a a generic Metamucil once a month.

    I don't know what the cubes might cost...didn't look for the price...but I know the metamucil works...and it's cheap for me.  I would probably be tempted to try them if they were here...unless they were expensive.

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