
What do you think of her now?

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What a difference in just a couple of months,

at first it was hard to see her changing because i saw her everyday but now shes just stunning.

This was the night we bought her from auction at the begining of may....


This photo below is one taken at the begining of this month with my dad.

I will be posting photos untill shes in to her Im in love with her:)

What a difference good food & a bit of love can do.

Anyone got before & after photos,i would love to see them?




  1. doesnt look like the same horse. it is amazing what love and food can do to a horse

  2. Wow! What a difference. I love her after. What breed is she?

  3. that is AMAZING!!!!!! congrats yo!

    i had a similar experience....i dont have any before photos unfortunately, but i know exactly what you are talking about. i also turned a horse into a beauty.

    her name was Pepper, she belonged to a neglectful woman who never rode her. you couldnt even catch her out in the pasture unless u had food and a really quick hand. when i bought her she was shaggy, her coat was horrible, and her attitude worse. she wore a halter that had never been taken off before. ever. she was hard to catch, and took a long time to listen.....but by the end of the summer, she didnt need the halter, came running to me when i walked out the back door, and loved doing ANYTHING with me. i groomed her every day, rode her at least every other day....we had become like, best friends. she started to shine, be friendlier, and certainly happier. it got to the point that when riding, i barely had to move, she knew exactly what command was coming just on how i started to move. she was laying in the field one day....concerned i went out there. i the past she would have jumped up the second i approached the gate...but i was able to go out there and sit with her for a good half hour before i left to go back inside. perfectly healthy, she was just lying down, enjoying my company. ive never had a more amazing connection with an animal or person my entire life. i miss her terribly.....she was shot by a drunk neighbor shortly after that summer :(

    this picture was taken about halfway through the summer:

  4. it looks likes you have a beautiful place to ride!

    i'm jealous lol

    and now you have a beutiful to enjoy it with

    i love it

  5. oh my!!! She really looks fantastic! What a difference! Whoever did that to her in the first place is a jerk.

  6. She looks great!!  Thank you for rescuing her and bringing her back to life.  You should feel very proud of yourself for the accomplishment.  

    I find it very rewarding to take an ugly duckling and turn it into a swan!!

    Hopefully through these and maybe other pictures

    people will see how rewarding it can be to adopt a rescue and look past the scruff and bones and be rewarded with a very grateful friend for life!!

    Your scenery is beautiful..where is that?  She and her friends have a lovely waterfront view.  Where I live...East is water...and west is horses...difficult to mix the two!!

    Thanks again for having the compassion to look beyond what you saw in the beginning of May!!

    If anyone is interested in adopting rescued horses check out:




    I am so sorry about your loss...I know it would be hard to replace her..but I'm certain that another might come close.. The thing I can't stand about drunks is they keep living and so many innocent souls end up being their victims.


    Gosh..I want a croft of my own!!  At least I speak the same language..well..without the accent.

  7. WOW that's amazing. Shes so beautiful , not shabby and skinny anymore, I think that's a really nice thing you did Keep it up♥

  8. Wow, she looks like a completely different horse.  What a sweet face she has!  I love bright red chestnuts.  She looks great, wonderful job!

  9. GOOD JOB!!! its sad that a little TLC could have made her look like that before but someone couldn't be bothered...but now she is happy you can tell :) the shine is in here eyes!

  10. Wow, she is beautiful now! Kudos to you for giving her a good loving home! She looked so sad and pitiful before, even I never would of believed how great she could look. It also looked like maybe she had hoof or feet problems with her back legs? In one of the pictures it did, anyways, but if she did it looks like she's all better now.

    Good job very rescuing her and giving her a wonderful recovery and home. Amazing looking horse

  11. aH!  She's amazing!  I just love her!  What changes you've made!

    I'm envious of you and your horses and space!

    (And your BCs, I only have one :-)

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