
What do you think of hickeys?

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do you think they are trashy or what

i wanna know your opinion




  1. I don't really think it's trashy, it feels great and people really enjoy it

    For example if you have a serious boyfriend, than yeah it can't be trashy plus it feels great.

    Unless you go hook up at a party and come out with a hickey, THEN I consider that trashy. It's all about the situation but to general public it's "trashy"

    That's why I don't let my boyfriend suck my neck off, it's just kind of embarrassing and a bad impression.

  2. trasshy

  3. they hurt

    and the say

    "i had fun last night!!"


  4. It can be either way, it could be trashy if you just come out in the middle of now where, and it just stands out on your neck or where ever then yes i think it is, but if you can kinda tell that your at least trying to hide it then it isn't That bad, i kinda think it depends how big it is and where it is, but to me, i would hide it, i just don't think it's anyones business what you do with your life

  5. trashyy!! i once got one and tried to cover it up because i had a job interview the next day. well my luck the lady saw it and said she didn't think that i was appropriately groomed. i was wearing pumps a high waisted black skirt and a friggen red blouse!!

  6. really trashy

    ladies never tell their business

  7. well i think they are sort of trashy but truth is i wouldn't mind giving one but i would seriously mind getting one. I mean its the way i was raised i guess hickeys on a girls just improper. for example like guys can have lots of girlfriends and no one says anything but girls cant have more than one boyfriend otherwise shes a w***e. so its a double standard

  8. i dont think there trashy if someone tries to hide them and they accidently show, but if your showing them off then yeah i think they are trashy.

  9. trashy

    cover up concealer does the job:)

  10. hide it or let it show--all depends on how you feel about the person who left it. i wouldn't flaunt it in public and i noticed you replied to one of my questions-how old are you?

  11. If you get one hide it, they cause a terrible impression.  

  12. I thought they were cool too when I was in 8th grade.

    But reguardless of whether your trying to get attention or not... they still come off as trashy.

  13. hmm. There a little whoreish. Kind of like saying;

    "Hey look at me. I made out and he left a mark telling everyone."

    okay well not exactly whoreish but certainly not classy looking. I'd cover it up :)

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