
What do you think of homeschooling, honestly?

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Just want people's thoughts. Thanks. :-)




  1. It rocks!

    I feel so sorry for all the poor little kids in their boring little uniforms trotting off to school to be turned into little grey drones.

  2. I think it's awesome in the way that you can be yourself most of the time, and people have to suck it up because that's you, and there's no peer pressure to change you.

  3. home schooling is good if you have a support system that will allow socialization skills to develop

  4. I wish homeschooling could burn in h**l.

    To bad there's not one for it to burn in...

  5. I think it works for those who understand that it's more than an escape from things. I also think it carries too much misinformation :)

  6. It is only effective if the parents are qualified to teach.

    Illiterate parents trying to home school their kids would not do much good.

  7. It works wonderfully in our family! Our kids are outgoing, happy, and learning more than I ever did in school. Our family is much closer as well. Academically speaking, my kids are about two years ahead of where they should be. My oldest is starting college classes at 16.


    Don- Give me a break with the socialization Myth. Do people truly believe that you have to go to a room full of kids your own age to be socialized? My kids, like myself, have friends of all ages, races, economic backgrounds and faiths. If you are stuck in a class room for 8 plus hours a day, when you have time to truly get to know some one? We are involved in our church, in dance, clubs, sports and volunteering. Thank God for home schooling or we would not have time for it all. Check out this article:

    I should add, my oldest took a couple classes at the high school and did fine socially. She wasn't in one "click" and didn't like all the drama. If people didn't like her for who she was, she has the self confidence not to care. She has plenty of friends there and has emerged as a leader. She had been home schooled up to this point. Now she is in a college setting and doing well there as well.

    somewhere over the rainbow- it sounds to me like you have problems with your self confidence. So what if your friends don't have a boyfriend or don't want to go to camps. Maybe that doesn't interest them. Just because the "crowd" says something is normal it doesn't make it law. My daughter would definitely argue the point that people look at homeschoolers weird. Most of her friends would prefer it and regularly tell her how lucky she is. The only person who even criticized her about it was a shallow, sad little girl that we have learned now has several problems. My daughter actually feels sorry for her!

  8. I thoroughly enjoy it! :)

    When I started home schooling my daughter she was much like many teenagers, snotty, bratty, full of the I-know-it-all attitude. By the time the first year was completed, the young woman I remembered was back. Being away from the school environment helped curb much of that snotty attitude and I am very pleased.

    I'm equally happy to know that she is learning things now, as opposed to be moved through material whether she truly understands it or not. Being able to teach your children instead of ensure they can spit out answers to a test is wonderful!

    My only complaint (if it could be called that) is the fact that when people typically learn that I home school they automatically make the assumption that it is due to religious preferences or what-have-you. It also can be difficult finding home schooling groups and activities that are NOT centered around religion. Not everyone who makes the choice to home school does so for this purpose.

  9. It's the natural way of doing things; that much is obvious from a religious or secular point of view. A religious person would probably say that God intended for children to be raised by their parents. An atheist argument -as an atheist I'm more familiar with these- would be that humans evolved for thousands of years without compulsory Prussian schooling.

    Prussian schooling isn't supposed to produce well-educated people who can think critically. It's designed to produce broken people who are dependent on the state for everything. It's gotten worse in the last 40-50 years, but it was never intended to turn out good thinkers. The teachers I've known personally are all good people with strong nurturing instincts, who want to help young people learn about the world. But they're hobbled by a system which doesn't want education. Homeschooling is also made less desirable because the government is devaluing our currency, which means that things are sneakily more expensive and that both parents have to work just to support themselves.

    However, homeschooling isn't necessarily resource-consuming. I think my parents dropped the ball on my education, but I'm still doing pretty well. I was fortunate enough to have math consistently, and my dad's a musician so he's been sure to keep me in piano lessons. I have no assignments, have had no curriculum, no schedule...but I'm still ahead of my grade in several subjects. Why? Because although I wasn't being helped, I wasn't being held back. A school is intended to teach to the slowest kid, and to create slower and slower students. People used to get in to more advanced subjects earlier, and it's not like everyone in 1900 was a genius. They were just allowed to go at humanity's natural learning speed.

    Unless you actively keep your kid back, it's hard to homeschool a kid who doesn't turn out well.

  10. Love it, happy kids, happy mom. We have a great life!!! My kids never want to go back!

    Best of Luck!


  11. I think for some families, it works great.  I also agree with the person who spoke about NOT homeschooling for religious reasons.  We are starting to homeschool my 2nd grader this year because he is highly gifted.  There isn't much room to learn in the standard classroom for a 7 year old who reads like an 8th grader.  

    I personally think the socialization argument is ridiculous if you're homeschooling your kids correctly.  They have more chance to get out and society and deal with people all over.  All my child learned at public school was how to be a sarcastic little smart alec.  

  12. I n my opinion I think home schooling is unsocialable children need to interact with other children learn different cultures customs and learn tolerance hope this helps

  13. I'm homeschooled, I do not like it at all. All my friends who are homeschooled are not socialized and don't want to be in any camps.

    My friends that do go to school think I'm weird being homeschooled. School guys look at homeschooled girls weird. None of my homeschooled friends have boyfriends.

    I am going back to school again and I'm looking forward to it.

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