
What do you think of how i look? [pic]?

by  |  earlier

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ok its not the best picture but it'll do i guess...

im the one on the left.




  1. Not Hot...


  2. not cute (no offense)

  3. i would have to say a 4/10..LOL

  4. Oh for the love of goodness, stop caring about what everyone else rates you. Everyone's beautiful in their own way. Learn to accept yourself and you'll be alot happier.

  5. You look fine and good luck up there in Alaska

  6. you're like a 5/6.... y do u want people to be brutal

  7. your ok your a little bit chubby...i like the dark should become more healthy...your cheeks wouldnt hide your real beauty as much...

  8. your face is fat, you asked

  9. Be brutal? Why would you want people to be brutal? Unless you just mean for them to be honest.. There isn't anything wrong with you but your eye make-up is a bit too dark.

  10. Cute!  I don't see anything to criticize.  

  11. get ur hair cut in layers. super easy but makes hair lots less flat.

    a touch less black? but if thats ur style then its cool.

    umm less makeup. but i love fresh-faced look, so thats personal preference too.

    thats it. your pritty, but cut your hair, take off some makeup, get some less black, and dont slouch.

    then youll be hot! not just pritty

  12. you're cute

  13. chubby with bad make up.

    you asked.

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