My baby is nearly 7 months old. At first she was a great little sleeper, would sleep right through from 9 at night til 6 in the morning. Over the last month or so, she has been waking frequently, crying out. I go to her and first try to settle, like re-wrap her and rub her tummy, turn her music box on etc. I dont get her out of bed. If she still cries, I'll get her a bottle which I feed to her while she is still in bed, then gently sit her up and wind her then she goes back to sleep. However this has started happening every few hours. I am sooo tired! I though by leaving her to cry she would settle herself back to sleep but now I have read that she probably just wanted a cuddle and reassurance and I should have gone to her. I feel so guilty and that I have done the wrong thing. This morning she cried for ages after I had changed her nappy and fed her, cuddles and when I eventually went and got her she stopped crying straight away.