
What do you think of lewis Hamilton? Will he win the F1 title???

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I myself am a huge fan of hamilton so i just want to know your views on him. =]




  1. Lewis stayed in the title hand during the first half of the season when he didn't have the fastest car.

    Now it appears McLaren have got the upper hand on the opposition.

    So it makes sense for me to believe that not only is he going to win it but he's going to do it in style also.

    Ferrari have thrown away their potential by making too many mistakes, how exactly are they going to drag themselves back up now that they seem to be at a disadvantage remains to be seen.

    Now that Lewis probably has the fastest car it's going to take lots of pressure off him because he knows he can put it to good use, he has  the speed and the self belief, he doesn't have to try too hard any more.

    My prediction is he's going to be world champion this year.

  2. I'm not a huge fan of his, he may grow on me when he's matured a little personality-wise. I don't think he will win the title this season, he can't beat both the Ferraris on his own, whatever McLaren may say in public about that. I don't really have a favourite driver or team at the moment, so I'm not anti-Hamilton for that reason.

  3. I was fortunate enough to have lunch with Bob Constanduros recently. He's the on-track English language commentator for the F1 races. He said that Lewis is as good as they say ( and  a nice guy as well). Even though I'm a Ferrari fan, if Kimi or Felipe don't win the driver's title, I'll be happy if it's Lewis.

  4. Well he's the only one of the three possible title contenders to show that he wants it. Massa has only proved he doesn't have the consistency to take it all the way and Raikkonen seems a little too relaxed for somone who's car isn't performing the way it should.  Kimi is an idiot if he thinks he's going to win it the same way he did last year. Lewis isn't the kind of guy who makes the same mistakes twice and those lazy Italians running Ferrari should not underestimate him.

  5. There is a high chance

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