
What do you think of libra's????

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I'm a libra!!anyway i really like my sign!i think that libra's are the best!!because of there personality!they r nice and i will spend pretty much of my time reading about them and my horoscope!!!well do you like them?and what do you not like about them and what do u like about them???




  1. Love them!! Some of my favorite people are Libras. I can't think of anything negative right now.

  2. I do like the Libra personality (Gandhi, John Lennon. my father!)

    Libra's positive qualities are justice, intelligence,charm, gentleness, and emotional balance.  Expressed in their negative form they become lazy, procrastinate, indecision is apparent, argumentative, pleasure seeking and are temperamental.  Ruled by the planet Venus, goddess of love and beauty.  Self knowledge is the key to liberation.  Keep on reading!

  3. Reckless, at least the one i knew was. I love it.  

  4. They are sweet and very adventurous. My little sister is a Libra =-)

  5. I love a few Libras but their irresponsibility annoys the h**l out of me. The Libras I know, live in their fantasy world and get absorbed into what they want so much that other stuff doesn't matter. My father and brother are Libras and i worry about them. my dad has no job, no license, and believes in some things so strongly, that when something goes wrong, he goes into a major depression. my brother fantasies about being a rock star and if something goes wrong with it, his whole personality changes.

  6. I agree with what Wahida said. The Sun sign is only one sign. I can't tell you what I think of a certain Sun sign in general.

    Anyway...I'm a Libra with Libra Rising, Libra Mercury, and Libra Mars. I have a love hate relationship with my sign. Even with all of that Libra in my chart, there are so many things about the sign that just do not fit me, and to see the description makes me angry...I look to my whole chart, and do not know any Libras that are exactly the same. While there are many Libran qualities I identify with, there are plenty I don't. I am not peace-maker, I am not all about love and partnership, and I'm certainly not shallow or flirtatious. I do think that I can understand people easily, and I am good at looking at all sides of an issue. I also know how to be poised and elegant in the right situations. So yes...Libra's a good sign, but only if you learn not to be wimpy and stepped on. I admire a Libra that can assert themselves.

  7. Charming ...really charming. X]

  8. Charming , elegant , caring........and shallow.

  9. there is more to a person that their sun sign ( star sign ) no 2 people of the same sign are exactly the same . . . they all have aspects that affect them, and add to their personality in some way, the sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars, rising/ascendant are very importnant, . . .

    you must've thought you have trits from other signs aswell . . .

    try this link . . .

  10. Hey what's up girl? I hear you i'm a Libra too!

    What I like the most about our sign is that...

    we can see and appreciate the beauty in things,

    love feeling beautiful,

    we're creative human beings,

    artistic in many ways,

    very lovable and passionate,

    great lovers,

    very detailed,

    have the ability to understand other's point of view,

    positive & optimistic,





    believe in justice,



    enjoy enriching our souls and minds,

    love animals,

    Love to live and be surrounded with the best things in life!

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