
What do you think of living this way?

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Would you go for this type of community living? I like the idea and think it's time that people DID pool their resources. You could save a bundle and have a much better quality of life.




  1. no thank you.

  2. It works for them but how can we as some of the most selfish, greedy people on the planet come to terms with sharing. I'd do it. Just saying how do we get the majority to see it is better to live that way.  

  3. I think it's brilliant!  I'm a big advocate of living within one's means, something people seem to have forgotten how to do in our society due to the constant barrage of advertisement we are subjected to.  

    It's time to find alternate ways of existing!

    Oh, and PS - this article WAS found on Yahoo! Canada.  Everyone knows that Canadians share better than we stingy Americans do.

  4. It called Communism

    It will work if everyone is honest.  But with human beings and the inherent greed some people will take advantage of others and this "dream" environment will go to H in a hand basket.

    Good Luck with that.

  5. Yeah I've read that story earlier today. As soon as she got to the part about sharing the kitchen and bathroom? I quit the story. Sorry, but I like my foodstuff in my own kitchen, and I detest sharing a toilet, sink and tub with other people. My wife is the exception. And that's about the only exception.

    I haven't lived like that since 1972. I'm not going to start now to save a few bucks. Not unless I absolutely have to in order to avoid skid row.

  6. it wad be all rite.

  7. Ya know I've often thought of how it would be if someone in my family hit the lottory...I remember my older brother talkin when I was young, of how he would buy a huge trac of land and build a big mansion right in the middle of it, and we'd all live happily ever after. I just dont know how well it would work....It's a great idea to pool together, but I just dont know how long it could last...

  8. we tried it in the sixties, it did not work then either.

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